A Diary

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3rd person pov.

Will was in his bed, writing on his "journal" as he did every night.

"Dear Diary,

Tomorrow's Valentines Day. And as an every year tradition, I have no one to spend it with. Mike is with El. Max with Lucas. And Dustin.. He went to Utah to spend it with Suzie. And yet again, I'll be laying down on my couch, watching Ghostbusters, as I do every year. Why can't my Mike like me? I've had a crush on him since we first met on the swings, even if I didn't know then. There's just something about him that makes my stomach feel butterflies, and he's the only one who makes me smile. I wish he could love me the way I do. I wish I could see him every day and hear him say, "I love you." But he doesn't like me. He never will. Thank god I've never shown him my journal. I wouldn't want him to read it, especially this page."

- Will the Wise

Will stands up from his desk and leaves the journal open. He goes into the bathroom to take a shower before heading to sleep.


Mike was just done with eating dinner, then he remembered... "Shit, I left my bag at Will's!" He said as he stood up.

"Language." Ted said as he was watching TV in the living room. Mike rolled his eyes and rushed out the door and to his bike. I hopped in it and made his way to the Byers' house.

When he got there, he knocked, and Joyce answered.

"Hey Mike! Will should be in his room." Joyce said with a bright smile on her face.

"Thanks, Ms. Byers." Mike said, and he walked down the hallway and into Will's room.

Will wasn't there. But Mike noticed something on his desk. A book? Mike went closer to it, he scanned it, and he realized it was Will's Diary.

He sat on Will's bed. And started reading the page that was exposed. He continued reading. "Will, likes me?" Mike said in a whisper. He continued reading it, a soft smile drawn on his face.

"Oh, hey Mike." Will said as he entered the room. Mike shuts the diary and looks at Will. "Will..." He said softly. Will's smile was gone. His face was in shock.

"Did you read it?" Will asked worriedly. Mike looks down and nods. "Mike, I-" Will is cut off by a hug, one where he was squezzed as both boys smiled. Will stiffened at first but slowly fell into Mike's embrace, until they both pull away and look at each other deeply in the eyes. Mike notices Will's worried eyes.

"Hey, it's okay, Will..." Mike says softly with a smile.

Will break eye contact with Mike and look down. "Mike, I'm sorry I didn't want you to find out. You're in a happy relationship with El, and I didn't want to ruin it." Will said his voice was breaking.

Mike looked at Will, confused. "Will..." Mike said, and he sat on the floor next to Will, who was still looking at the boy worriedly.

"I broke up with El while ago. We just didn't want to tell the party yet."

Mike said. Will looked up at him. "What, why?" He asked with a bewildered look on his face.

Mike didn't answer. Words wouldn't come out of his mouth. Instead, he places one hand of his in Will's cheek. Will was looking down, his face was as red as a tomato.

Mike lifts his chin up and gently kisses Will.

At first, Will was in shock. He even pinched himself to see if he wasn't dreaming. But then he melted into the kiss, too. After a while, they both pulled away. Will's face was hot and red. Mike smiled at him. Will looked back up. And wanting to feel Mike's lip again. He kisses Mike one more time. And they both chuckle.

Mike, with a bright smile, says what Will has been waiting for his whole life... 

"I like you, Will."

What Would I Be Without You? - Byler Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now