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taehyung's pov

"ugh, are you joking right now? did you even have any proof of it?" hoseok asks. "no but... everyone said it so I believed them." I say, feeling sort of guilty in a way. no! I can't feel this way, he's a slut. nothing more than a slut.

jeongguk's pov

i hate school sometimes, i hate it when everyone throws things at me or calls me names... but i'm pretty much used to this treatment ever since taehyung left me. i wish everyone would've never told him that, but they all hated me and didn't want me to be with him.

i slowly walk down the hallway, dreading who I see at the end of it. I see four boys, four boys that hate my guts. why me? Why can't they pick someone else to hate? I quickly walk past them, trying to avoid them but then someone grabs me by the wrist. I look behind me to see who it was. Namjoon...? Why would he do that?

"We need to talk, Jungkook." Namjoon says, sounding concerned. "No, you aren't talking to that whore!" Taehyung yells, I can tell that he's mad... But why? Is it because he hates me so he doesn't want his friends to talk to me? Or, is it because someone's hiding something? "Shhhhh Taehyung, we need to sort this out between you two!" Jimin says, giggling. There's nothing to sort out, I'm so confused right now.

Taehyung's POV

I can't believe them, trying to sort out things with my ex and me. It's none of their business, what's done is done, I'd never date him or talk to him ever again. "Could we not do this?" I say, feeling very aggravated. "No, it was clearly a misunderstanding, just talk it out with him." Hoseok says, shrugging. I look over at Jungkook and stare into his eyes. God, how I used to love staring into his big doe eyes back then.. Ugh, cut it out Taehyung!

"Fine..." I mumble. Namjoon immediately grabs me and Jungkook and pulls us into a room. He runs out of the room and closes the door, locking it. I look over at Jungkook, he seems nervous and upset in a way... I can't blame him though.

"Why did you believe them?"
*∞:.。  。.:∞*

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