Chapter 17. The glass with which you look.

Start from the beginning

"Sure... you just keep telling yourself that you can do everything, but tell me, can you bring the dead back to life?"

"Maybe Alphys can help them, maybe if..."

"And it didn't go well, if you let me remind you."

Frisk was pressing the bar where she was holding herself with more strength every time Chara talked by the fear to fall because of that intense dizziness. She knew that Chara was only looking to provoke her and she definitely won't fall in her words, but deep down she knew that she was right and indeed, she wasn't doing as good as she thought.

She remembered the last words of the amalgamates from that day. Even if they were asking her to destroy them, she never wanted to harm them, she didn't even thought in the possibility to do it with the evidence of their immortality. They thanked her before becoming dust... but still it wasn't a beautiful picture and neither remember the fact that they died by her hand.

The ambassador took a deep breath to calm her dizziness while she thinks about a way of solution. She thought in how she was possible to end their lives, but that generated more questions than answers.

That red code... it didn't have any name on it to know its real function but even if it could finish the lives of many in one press, she didn't believe that it was something related to a lethal function, because for that she already has her FIGHT button. Without any doubt it was something new, even for Flowey.

"Stop going around the topic, realize that you are dooming yourself. Sooner or later you won't be able to fix all your mistakes and you will drown in your own torment."

"That's the only mistake I have done... I won't make any more mistakes" She tried to stay serene, but Chara's accusations were starting to irritate her in a mysterious way for her "The only wish I have is to help everyone, including you."

"And it's right there where you are digging your grave. So many illusions, so many promises... but just when they find out that you are not what you say, they won't take too long to realize that you are just a big disappointment for them and they'll start hating you. You think you can manage everything in line with your lies and false hopes for everyone, but that won't last long."

"They are not false hopes nor lies, I truly have the devotion to help everyone" Frisk leaned on the bar not resisting anymore the dizziness "If I'm making promises, is because I know my capacity to achieve my goals."

"You are just a whimsical girl, Frisk. You don't even know how to fulfill whatever you are promising. That only shows your immaturity."

"Now you sound like an old lady."

She made fun of her to calm everything down and retake the order of her body. The dizziness, the sweat and that irritation in her own behavior... She knew that it was just Chara playing with her own mind. She still doesn't know how she can make those effects on her, but she's still determined to not get carried away by her.

When she made sure that she could stand in her feet without the need to hold on to something, she took her gloves of the cosplay off and she contemplated with great love the woven bracelets that her friends gave her. She carried them all the time as a reminder that she fights for them.

The monsters deserved happiness, and she was more than willing to give it to everyone.

With that thought of love to her loved ones, she took a deep breath to calm down and avoid Chara affecting her mind anymore. She noticed it was very effective but she still can feel her presence somehow, so she opted to play an instant card taking advantage of the moment as soon as possible. She took out her cellphone and held it for a while.

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