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I said whoever made that very last edit, your moms a hoe


Asano's P.O.V.

In the weeks that followed, things slowly started going back to normal.

Ren was expelled and Kiri moved to a different school. Word got out of course about the scandal but my father handled that expertly and soon it was old news again. The wing that had been under construction was once again being built but this time for real. It was being turned into more classrooms, so that the entire E class could be moved to the main campus. There would be no more being split, thanks to me and Karma taking our idea up to the school board.

Karma and I never got that antidote but after having undergone several blood transfusions it was eventually flushed out of our systems.

I had started seeing a therapist and it felt good to be able to finally talk to someone about my problems, which had increased tenfold after all of this drama bullshit.

But the cherry on top was that Karma was now living with us, and he was my boyfriend.

Yeah, that's right, Gakushuu Asano is gay and he's dating Karma Akabane form the former E class.

It felt good to say that.

But as I looked at myself in the mirror, I was feeling anything but good.

"Do we seriously have to do this?" I called to Karma, who was getting changed in my bathroom. "This is so fucking stupid!"

"We're both men of our words, are we not?" He called back, and then he entered my room.

We stared at each other.

Since we had both lost the bet and had both won it, it was only fair we both had to do what the other said.

Which just so happened to be the exact same demand.

"I dare you to wear a maid outfit."


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