Chapter Thirty Four

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Karma's P.O.V.


I was stunned. What was he doing here? Last time I had seen him was after the whole disaster at the dance.

Come to think of it, I had rushed Shuu off to the hospital and hadn't spared a second thought about Nagisa after that. Had he really been sent here? But why?

I shuddered, knowing the answer couldn't be a good one.

Rema and Nagisa were glaring at each other, both of them wanting to kill the other over me.

"I love him more, I've known him longer than you have!" Rema growled, standing in front of me to block Nagisa.

At this point, I wasn't sure which winner would be worse for me.

"Stand aside, worthless bitch," Nagisa ignored her, his blue eyes glinting evilly. He stared past my eyes and into my soul. "Karma..."

I pressed myself farther against the wall, wanting to be as far away from both of them as possible, but they were blocking the only exit.

The voice came to life again. "Is everybody ready?"

Ready for what?

"Fight!" The voice cried.


Asano's P.O.V.

This day had taken a turn for the worse.

I struggled against the two strong guards who were holding my arms tightly, dragging me down a corridor. "Get off me you stupid fucking steroid-using jocks!" I kicked uselessly.

They, of course, ignored me.

Everything had been going so smoothly at first. I had broken into their secret hideout, successfully knocked out two guards, and found out where Karma was being held. And then things had suddenly taken a turn.

Someone somewhere somehow had found out I was here and alerted everyone in the facility. As a result, I had been captured fairly fast.

"Stop struggling, you're only going to hurt yourself more." One of them said, sounding tired.

"Shut up! Fuck you! Take me to Karma, asshole! Bastard!" I shouted, straining against them. My old injuries were screaming at me to stop making them worse, but I had to get away. "Stupid, ugly, dumbass! Baka!"

"Shut your mouth or I'll shut it up, permanently." The other growled, tightening his grip on my arm.

I winced at the pressure. "Kill yourself!"

They stopped in front of a door, and one of them leaned down to have his eye scanned.

The door opened, and they threw me inside.

I let out a cry in pain, slowly picking myself up. Fuck, okay, ow. Shit.

"Well, well, well," A cold, painfully familiar voice smirked, walking over towards me.

I looked up, and my blood ran cold.

Nagisa stood over me.


He grabbed me and hauled me to my feet, holding my collar tightly.

"Asano, I'm so glad to see you." He was grinning, and it made me fearful.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here?" I managed to ask.

"Oh, right," He dropped me. "After you had me sent away to a juvenile facility, I was visited soon after by someone who had me transferred here instead." He looked down at me. "It's pitiful how little you know."

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