Chapter Seven

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Karma's P.O.V.

Nagisa chattered away at my side, talking about this and that, but 99% of my attention was on my thoughts, and 100% of my thoughts were on Asano. The only thing keeping me grounded to the outside world was my left hand, which was burning from the small coffee cup I was clenching. My other hand was shoved deep into my pocket, the fist I was making hidden behind the fabric. My instincts were screaming at me to punch something, pick a fight, taunt someone, all the things that earned me multiple expulsions and my dark reputation.

But...the thing was, I knew he wasn't scared. He was as scared of Creation Enterprises as much as he was scared of a flower. He had said two kids had no chance of winning if they went up against an illegal corporation, and that's why he wasn't going to continue our investigative adventure. His reputation was too precious to him to risk it being ruined by a fight that was stacked against him. It was a smart move, to not engage in a war you had no chance of winning. However, I was not that smart.

But he knew we had a duty, since we were the only ones who knew of this danger lurking in the shadows. The police wouldn't believe us, so it was just him and I against this evil. Some people, namely, my E class friends, would love to say Asano was just a heartless bastard, but I knew he had a high sense of morals and ethics. Something was stopping him from taking on Creation Enterprises, and it wasn't fear, but something more important to him than the safety of the public. Hell, possibly the safety of the entire world.

I bit down hard on my nail, eyes narrowed at the ground on thought. What could he possibly cherish more than all that? What?!

If I could just figure out what that was, I could convince him out of it. I knew I could. But that wouldn't be the hard part. The hard part would be figuring out what the fuck was so important to him that he would willingly sit by and let the rest of the world be in danger instead of even just risking-

"Karma..." Nagisa said dryly.

I stopped. "Yeah?"

He was giving me an annoyed look.

"What?" I asked.

He had stopped walking and had his arms crossed. "You didn't hear a single word I said to you since we left the coffeeshop, did you?"

"Sure I did," I lied, shooting him a dazzling smile. "And I agree!"

He smirked. "You agree? So, you'll go with me to the Valentine's Day dance?"

I froze. Was that really what he had been talking about? I knew the main campus was hosting a dance for the holiday, but I wasn't going to attend. I wasn't much for romance. I preferred spending the fourteenth of February in a dark alley, beating up any guy who was trying to get into a girls skirt. And as for a partner, I hadn't found a girl who would rather deliver a roundhouse kick to a criminals face than to receive chocolates and flowers.

"Uh, well, Nagisa, you know I don't really-"

"Or, you could tell me what you were thinking about instead." He put one hand on his hip. "I'm sure it was about Asano, right?"

Fuck, I couldn't tell him the truth, he knew when I was lying.

I sighed. I was trapped and he knew it.

Well...whatever. It was just a dance. He didn't say how long I had to stay. I could just pop in for a few minutes, laugh at Terasaka trying to dance, drink some punch and head out before the clock even struck midnight. Besides, there was worse company than Nagisa to go with.

"You got me, Nagisa," I smiled. "I'll go with you. But I don't dance."

"One dance," he countered, "And we get dinner beforehand. With dessert. You pay."

"Dinner, and no dance."

"One dance, dinner, and we match outfits."

"You really don't know how to bargain, do you?" I laughed.

"Maybe not, but I know how to blackmail." His playful smile was suddenly fifty shades darker. "One dance, dinner, matching outfits...and I won't tell the rest of the class that you were with Asano today."

I stopped and looked at him. Really looked at him. He had changed. Sometime from the first day we met, to now, cute, innocent little Nagisa had turned into a not so innocent and not so cute little devil.

"That only works if I care about them knowing about me and Asano hanging out." I tried to keep up a non-comitial smile, but it was faltering as my heart started to pound. Why was it pounding?!

He shrugged. "That's true, but I also know you do care." His eyes narrowed. "And why do you care, Karma? Are you hiding something?"

I hid my fear behind a glare.

"You know, Nagisa," I growled, gripping my cup so tightly it exploded in my hand. "I don't like being blackmailed."

"And I don't like you and Asano being buddy buddy." He said.

"What does it matter to you what my relationship is with him?" I demanded.

"Why does it matter to you if everyone knows you have a relationship with him?" He countered.

My brain started to get fuzzy at his words, and my heart was now hammering wildly in my chest. Could he hear it? Was that why he was smirking? Looking at me like I was his prey? I had never felt like this before, and I didn't like but I didn't know how to get out of it. My brain was in panic mode, and panicking that it was in panic mode.

I stuttered out some nonsense, backing away as Nagisa calmly stepped closer and closer. Soon, my back hit the railing on the pier we were on, and I could go back no further.

He stepped right up close to me, and I could practically smell his confidence, radiating off him like waves.

"So, it's a date then, Karma-kun." He whispered in my ear, smirking. "And I want everyone to know it's a date, too. Make sure you wear something blue."

He pressed a small kiss to my cheek, before stepping back.

"Pick me up at five. The dance is at seven, so we have two hours to eat. I like Italian." And with that, he started to walk away.

My heart was still pounding, but my pride couldn't let him get away with this.

I shouted after him. "My color is red! Blue isn't a complimentary color!"

He spun around without missing a beat. "Too bad orange is even worse!"

I seethed as he disappeared from sight.

Turning to face the water, I watched the waves crash into each other. The storm was just beginning to brew outside, but I was feeling it inside as well. My mind and body were numb, still reeling from what just happened.

I was angry at Nagisa, no, pissed at Nagisa, confused at how that conversation got turned on me so fast, scared that it had even happened and that it could possibly happen again, humiliated at being at someone's mercy and blackmailed...but most of all...I felt...guilty.

I didn't know why or for whom I was feeling guilty for, but it overwhelmed my other emotions.

Finally, I started the long walk home, head hung low and hands in my pockets.


My cat walked across my keyboard and somehow logged out before it saved so (after having a total meltdown with lots of tears) I had to retype this whole fucking chapter And it's shorter cuz I was petty but I liked writing the scene where nagisa blackmailed karma lel.

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