Chapter Seventeen

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Karma's P.O.V.

I had jumped out of my seat before the classroom door had even slammed shut.

Ren was also out of his seat, and we shot each other a mutual glare.

"Um, boys, take your seats please. Just because Asano ran out doesn't mean we all have to." Mrs. Takahiro said.

"I'm going to check on him." I volunteered.

"I'm his best friend, I'll check on him." Ren stated loudly.

"You're not his best friend." I growled, facing him.

"Oh, and you are? What even is your relationship with him, huh?" He accused.

I didn't reply, namely because I didn't have an answer.

"Both of you just sit down." Mrs. Takahiro sighed in exasperation. "He is old enough to not be checked on."

"All due respect, Mrs. Takahiro, who would you rather be wandering the halls during class time, alone and unsupervised?" He gave her a smile, and my hatred for him grew.

She didn't even look at me before answering. "Alright, Ren. Make sure he's okay so I don't get fired, and then both of you get back here as soon as possible."

He gave her an overexaggerated bow, and shot me a smirk before walking out of the room.

I stood there, blood boiling. That idiot was ruining everything.

"Karma, you can sit down." She instructed.

Ignoring her, I ran to the door and threw it open.

Her shocked "Karma Akabane!" was cut off with the closing of the door.

I caught up to Ren easily, I was by far way faster.

"Hey!" He shouted in surprise when I passed him in the hall. "What are you doing? You can't be out here! She said only I could go!"

I raced to the bathrooms, and grabbed the handle.

Before I could yank it open, Ren suddenly tackled me and we flew sideways.

"You idiot!" I snarled, grabbing his hair in one hand and raised my other hand into a fist. "Get off! You don't know what's really going on!"

"Leave Asano alone!" He shouted, trying to claw my face. "You have no idea who he really is!"

"Want to bet?"

Before we could argue any further, there came an ear splitting crash, and we both froze.

"KARMA!" A terrified voice screamed.

I threw Ren off me so hard he went flying and hit the wall, slumping.

Honestly I didn't even care if he was dead.

I scrambled to the door and threw it open.


The scene before me was...shocking.

I expected disaster. I expected blood. I expected...I expected...not this.

I never expected there would be...nothing.

The bathroom was empty.

Asano was gone.


Sorry it's short, the next one is going to be a lil long so I wanted to put this bit up first. I'll update soon! ♡ thank u to anyone who voted or read this far or added the story to ur library, it makes me so happy ^.^

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