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This is fiction. So I will do a few changes about paralysis in this universe.


A knock on the door makes Harry look up from his phone. He was scrolling through Instagram while lying in bed. What else was he supposed to do? Explore the city? Yea, sure.


"What?" he asks sounding cold. It's very rare for him to have emotions in his voice or on his face since the accident.

The door opens and his mum, Anne, enters followed by another woman. Harry sits up.

"Hey, darling. This is Johanna Deakin." Anne starts explaining. "She is an occupational therapist and a physiotherapist and she just wants to get to know you today. She'll stop by once a week for an hour."

Harry groans and falls backwards so he is lying on his back again. "Why?! I don't need that! Why would I? I will never be able to walk again so why therapy?" he asks annoyed.

The unknown woman, an omega, steps forward. "Hi Harry." she greets him but gets no respons. He doesn't even look her way. "I'm here to help you figure all of this out. You haven't been handicapped for long and I'm just here to help. And there is a chance of you getting your ability to walk back. It just takes training and patience. I'm not informed about what happened and what exactly causes you to be paralyzed, but if you give me permission I would love to read your report."

Harry closes his eyes for a moment before he opens them again. "No, you do not get my permission." he says coldly.

"Harry!" Anne exclaims shocked. She was sure he would agree. Not even she knows about his situation. Harry didn't want her to read the report as well. He was 18 after all and decided not to let his mother know.

So Harry is the only one who exactly knows what is wrong and if there is a chance for healing.

"Now I would appreciate you leaving me alone. I have still things to prepare for school." he says and after a bit of hesitation the two omegas leave.

Harry sits back up and leans over his bed to pull his wheelchair towards him. He takes his left leg first and places it over the edge of the bed and then his right leg. After that he put in the breaks of his wheelchair. He puts both his hands on the arm rests of the wheelchair and pushes his body up. Harry tries to turn his upper body, but his right hand slips and he falls onto the floor.

He growls annoyed and hits the wheel of the chair. Harry hates this. He hates this helplessness. He hates that he can't do basic shit like getting out of bed.

How he wishes he was in his dad's place.


"Please Harry, try to be nice. I know you built up walls, but you are such an amazing young alpha. Don't let what happen change you." Anne says as she drives Harry to school.

Sadly Harry can't escape right now so he keeps quiet and just watches the houses they pass by. The drive isn't long anyways so rather quickly his mum stops in front of the school. She gets out of the car to get Harry's wheelchair from the back and pushes it to her son.

Harry quickly moves to get in the thing to get away from his mother and luckily this time he doesn't embaress himself by slipping or anything.

"I love you, Harry." Anne says as the alpha starts to move away.

Harry stops and turns his head to face her. His eyes are void of any emotions as he speaks his next words.

"I don't know why. I would hate me if I were you. I killed your mate after all."

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