Start from the beginning

Slowly, the young man's steps slowed down. He bit his lip so hard. "Yeah, I don't really have much time so I'm doing this." When their eyes met, Twelve smiled bitterly. "I don't want to waste time. I want to show how much I love her because I don't hold my own life, Shibazaki. I want the memories I'll give her are only the happy ones. Not the painful memory of me hurting her when she thought I died years ago."

After saying that, Twelve continued to walked away.

Shibazaki remained standing there, watching him go. Twelve is too determined to fight for his feelings for Lisa and he couldn't do anything about it. He just let it go and sighed. He then returned to their department.

AFTER THE conversation with Shibazaki, Twelve returned home first. Now, he's naked body is being pampered by the cold shower. He covered his face with his hands when he felt his head throb again. The pain was so frequent that his head seemed to break with the pain he felt every time he was attacked. He turned off the shower and quickly pulled the towel from the drawer and dried himself.

She took a medicine afterwards. Just he asked prescription from his Doctor so he could fight against his headache. Twelve decided to postpone his travel to see his new client Mr. Mitsuko Yamade. He'll just do it the next day. Anyway, he had prepared everything he could use on his mission. He went to his bed to rest but he could not simply sleep. The thoughts about Lisa continue to flood his mind.

Until he just fell asleep from thinking of the girl who owns his heart. He didn't really know when he fell in love with her. But, since he saw her in the swimming pool when she's seventeen with the sadness in her eyes, he couldn't help but think about her.

Whenever he didn't get along with her before, it was only in his delicate imagination that he fulfilled what he wanted to experience with Lisa.

Now that he was given the chance, he wouldn't waste it. He knew there was a reason he kept on living. It's a miracle that he had survived even how he had been severely shot before. That his mission was not yet than and Lisa still needs him.

So, for the last time, he would do everything he could just to make her happy for the last time . . .

TWELVE WAS heading to the next client's residence. This is the first time he will meet Mr. Mitsuko Yamade. He had already prepared the evidence gathered. It took him seven hours via public vehicle, but using the motorcycle it will only take him five hours.

Soon enough, Twelve reached his destination. He got off from his motorcycle and slowly removed his helmet then walked closer to the gate. He asked the guard if the Mr. Yamade was inside. He said he has an appointment with him. He answered many more questions before the guard called someone. Two minutes later, he was allowed to enter. He returned to his motorcycle then hurried to the courtyard.

Upon reaching the front door of the mansion, he parked his motorcycle. He immediately noticed the old woman waiting for him. When he got off the motor he called her. As he came closer, he noticed that her gaze was strange to him. But, even though he wondered, he just ignored it. He quickly wiped the sweat that formed on his forehead. He wanted to go in because of the heat. He immediately asked if he could talk to Mr. Yamade.

The old woman smiled. "Oh, I guess the timing is bad. I'm sorry. Sir Yamade is not here today. He is still in town for his personal check up with his Doctor."

"Oh, is that so?"

"I'm Mariko, by the way. I'm the butler here. Come in and cool down yourself on the couch first. Call me when you need something."

While waiting, he felt strange emotions as he looked all over the place. Twelve felt he had reached Mr. Yamade's mansion. He just couldn't remember when that happened.

✔️TERROR IN RESONANCE SEQUEL (A PALE YELLOW ) English #WATTYS2020Where stories live. Discover now