Chapter 13: Baby Loading...Please wait

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After the meeting of the two families, Chiyo tries to contact Diana.

"Arhg! Pick up your phone!" she says impatiently as she dials her number for the fifth time.

But unfortunately for her, Diana is out of reach and seems to have shut her phone off. The next day, she decided to pay her a visit again.

She parked her car near the house of her stepsister. She is about to leave but she saw Tora coming from inside Diana's home. She immediately unbuckled her seatbelt and confronted him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with greeted teeth. Tora grabbed her arm and pulled her closer towards him.

"Where did you bring Diana? Where did you hide her?" he asks with anger in his voice. Chiyo's forehead creases with confusion.

She got her arm away from his grip and looked at him hatefully.

"How am I supposed to know?" she told him. "I came here to visit her since she is not answering her phone."

"Chiyo, I'm not playing games here. Just tell me where Diana is and whatever your problem is, I'll solve it for you," Tora proposed.

"Me either. I did not hide her, the last time I saw her was the other day. And why would I hide her?" she spits.

Tora smirks and looked at her in the eyes.

"You do not want your lies to be exposed, ain't it? You hid her for her not to be examined," he said. "Come on, Chiyo, the recording you sent to your father was edited, I know that very well. And now that father wants another evidence, you got Diana first before she could even be tested."

"Stop accusing me! Only you is capable of such schemes to cover up all the cheating you did. Not only Diana but a lot more girls had entertained you in their beds despite knowing that you are engaged. I know you are a devious guy, you'd do anything to shut anyone from exposing you," Chiyo defended herself.

"Don't even try to accuse me of hiding her. In this situation we are in, only you has the reasonable reason to keep her from talking so our engagement would totally end. Don't outsmart me, Chiyo," he stated seriously before leaving.

Chiyo immediately ran inside Diana's house and looked all over the place. She must have left some clue as to where she is right now or who had given her the order to hide away.

Diana's closets were empty, she must have packed up and really left for good. Chiyo reported to her father about Diana's disappearance which forced him to command some people to go and search for Diana's whereabout.

Days, weeks and months had passed but there is still no sign of Diana.

"Tora!" Chiyo yelled as she forced the door open into the their bedroom. In there, she saw Tora half-naked and is currently choosing his polo.

"What now?" Tora asked.

"5 months had already passed, can't you just bring Diana out from where you have hidden her?!"

"5 months had passed and you're still accusing me of something I did not do," Tora replied as he puts on his polo. He grabbed his necktie and walks towards his fiancee.
He threw it towards her which Chiyo immediately caught and glared at him.

"Put it on and let's talk more about it," he said. Chiyo narrows her eyes at him with gritted teeth. She is currently fighting herself if she'd do it or not.

"Will we stare at each other like this forever?" Tora asked sarcastically. Chiyo grabbed him by the collar and tiptoed so she could be of the same level as him.

"You better bring her out. Our marriage is already next week and it must be stopped no matter what," she said before pushing him so they could be at a moderate distance away from each other.

"Diana must have ran away for being accused of such heavy accusation," Tora said while Chiyo is buttoning up his polo.

"Stop making stories. If she really is not pregnant with your child, she'll show up and prove her innocence," Chiyo rebutted.

"She and I have not even done that, why would she get pregnant?" Tora scoffed.

Chiyo is now fixing his tie and upon hearing him say those words, she tightened the necktie which almost choked her fiance.

"Don't even lie about that, jerk," she tells him, "I have heard it with my own two ears. Don't make me look like a stupid woman."

"But you did not see it with your own two eyes, did you?"

Chiyo pursed her lips for she did not see it but the mere fact that they had both got out from the building that same night only proves that they did made love.

"Chiyo," Tora called her with seriousness and sincerity in his voice. "Why are you against our wedding? Is it really because I am with other women?"

Chiyo lets out a sigh before looking at him in the eyes after fixing his tie.

"Yes, that's the reason and it is enough for me to back out," she replied.

"But why do I still see your eyes that you want me?" he asks.

"I may be stubbornly in love with you even after all what you did, but I have my limits. I can only love you but no commitment, no marriage, no ties. That's that," she replied.

"I guess your decision is right," he said as he wears his coat for the two of them are dressed up that day because it's the ceremony of their graduation.

"It would be so much pain for you to marry me only to find out that Diana is pregnant with my child," he added before taking his leave.

His words echoed in Chiyo's mind. It keeps on repeating, repeating, repeating countless times as she stood there dumbfounded. Her eyes watered, her heart ached for the false statement she had said before is actually true.

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