Chapter 12: Gunshot

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Chiyo felt her heart racing as Tora comes closer to her. She could smell his cologne and for sure, it will stick to her if she would not push him away.

Tora ran his finger from her nose down to her mouth, then neck and stopped where the first button of her blouse is.

"Don't you dare," she warns him as she tries again to break free from his grip.

Tora lowered his lips near her ears that she could feel his warm breath.

"Resisting is futile. You know very well that I am skilled in aikido, the more you resist, the more you'll be stuck like this," he whispered with a smirk. Chiyo started to blush which is amusing to Tora.

He gripped both of her hands with just one hand and Chiyo got startled when he really unbuttoned the first of her blouse. Tora smirked at her and held her chin so they could see each other's gaze. Chiyo dared to stare back at him but the way his eyes look at her makes her feel like almost melting. If she does not resist him, she might really fall under his game.

"This is what you want, ain't it?" he teased.

"Pervert!" she yelled and with all her might, she banged her head on his that forced Tora to let her go. When she got the chance to run away, she ran towards the guestroom and locked the door. She leaned on the door while holding her chest that is still pounding fast restlessly.

She squatted on the floor and hugged her knees.

"What is wrong with you?" she whispered.

Tora knocked which made every single cell in hr body alert.

"That was just a joke," he said with his usual serious tone of voice.

Before she could say anything, she heard her phone ringing. She stood up and looked at her phone. It's her father.

"You better come here at the Igarashi building right now," her father said before immediately hanging up. She had sent the recording of Diana that morning and just like what she expected, a meeting of the two involved parties are to speak of the engagement again.

Chiyo almost had her phone fall on the ground when a loud bang was heard from the door.

"Chiyo! Open the fucking door and face me!" Tora yelled which meant that he had also received a call from his own father.

But before she could even go and open the door, Tora had forced it open and her heart skipped a beat upon seeing his angry reaction. Her body instinctively backed away as Tora steps forward.

He grabbed her hand and gripped it tightly.

"Why the hell did you send that stupid recording?! What exactly do you want?!" he yelled furiously.

"I do not want to be wed to guy who brings women to bed! Whatever your reason is, it is unacceptable for you to go and cheat on me! You're even doing it so openly! I would never want to commit myself to an unfaithful man like you! So let's just break this engagement and go our own separate ways!" Chiyo yelled back.She forcefully got her arm away from his grip before leaving their apartment.

An hour later, Mr. Sakurai, Mr. Igarashi, Chiyo and Tora are all sitting down facing each other.

"I have sent Diana to the testing center to confirm if her claim is right," Mr. Sakurai said.

"Father, why would you do that when I have sent a solid evidence? Let's just cancel this engagement and have Diana marry Tora instead," Chiyo said for she is afraid that if this drags on, Tora might find a way to turn the tables around and change the situation to his advantage.

"Words cannot be trusted easily. I want the medical examination of Diana as proof, then by that time I shall agree that the engagement will be cancelled," Mr. Igarashi said.

Chiyo kept convincing the two older men not to wait for the result but they keep on insisting on waiting.

"I am very much hurt by this act of cheating!" she yelled as her eyes start to tear up. "We are not yet married but he had already another woman, how could I trust him after our marriage? I do not want a mistress in my life! I want his engagement cancelled or I'll die!"

Tora, who had been quiet ever since the meeting started, finally spoke.

"When Diana's test comes out to be negative, Chiyo and I shall be wed immediately. If you want a gunshot wedding, then I shall give it to you," he said before taking his leave which left Chiyo astonished.

"This is bad, really bad!" she yelled inside her mind.

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