Are we dead ? i'm not sure all what i could feel is Lumos closer to me, i still hear the machine and feel the heat up of the flame but once raise up my eyes , i saw him standding in front of us doing nothing than it's suddendly fall and crash in pieces, i was scared and i didn't what to do but all my fears go when i saw Miss.White Agate, she save us and she was so worry, She took my on her back and pick up Lumos in the bride style and fly high up out the village to the other villagers.

Once landed my parents immediately pick up and check up if i was hurt, nothing bad happen to me but Lumos, he was still unconscious laying on the ground, his father check on him and make some weird push in his torso, it like something wasn't working on him and he try to turn on just like a machine, he also put some kind of mask on his face 

I wanted t go there but my dad say that we should let him doing he work as a doctor, my body won't stop shaking and freezing, i'm still in shock of what happen, seeing Lumos that and thinking that everything was just fine this morning make me shive of fear more,how life could turn from a beautiful and amazing day to a terrible and terrifying night?

Miss White  Agate went back to the village helpping the other while i stay closer to Lumos holding his hand that hold the white rose as the tears still rolling on cheek and i just prayn the greatest Choas the help him to survive, i do't want to lose him, not now and specially after he confess me his feeling for me, i still didn't tell him that i do like him for long time and now may never tell him 

~Meanwhile at the tree house~

Sonic/Nexus P.O.V:

After they left i went back to my son's room, and stay there with him cause someone should keep a eyes on him, he was sleeping peacefuly, Dark was right he only need some rest, i keep watching his birthmark glowing in pink color, more i look at it more i got worry about it i feel that there is something i missing, i feel like that golden moon has something to do with my son but i don't know what and how.

I hear some footstep coming to Choas room, it's was mom and dad coming to check on him she make some tea  for me and dad bring some cookie my favorite one, they both sit close me and pat my back like i was a little kid, well for them i'll always be thier little kid no matter how old i am.

They try thier best to cheer me up and rassure me and i also try too but i still worry and nervouse too, we keep talking about Choas heath and what we'll do tomorrow but my dad won't stop teaser me with My feeling for Dark Night and mu mom join him, well i tolld them about Choas plan and they are also a part of it, the both hug and telling me that they do thi for me and Choas, they only do that for our good, i thank them as i hug them back

They left me with him and went back to the living room and i kee watching him i feel less nervouse now he's sleeping peacefully, as i sip my tea i look back to the Golden Moon remembering some old good days with my olds pals, i don't know why but i senddenly remember my little bro, Tails, i really miss him and Kunckles, Rouge, Amy and the other 

I don't why i thought about them now but if feel a little sile drawing on my face remembering all those good day and adventure that i never dare to tell my own son, who know maybe one day we'll  come back, it'll be difficult to face them and explaine them and specially after 12 years of disperation but i'm sure they'll understand i could even present them my son and Dark Night.

I keep looking at the sky then i saw a beautiful Golden Shooting Star coming out from the Golden Moon, i close my eyes  wish and pray for my son to get better as soon as possible and also to have enough courage to come back to my my friend and also that me, Choas and Dark will be together just like a familly, he not be his real father but i'm sure he'll be the best one

As i finish my wish i heard a weird sound coming up from the living room, and also a weird smell, it's the smell of burnt wood, that not a good thing at all, i left his room and went down, i saw both my parent weren't here but the entry door was wide open, and they were both ouside watching the sky with worry face.

Once i step out i saw them, a little army of fire blast robots landing in front of our house , i join them and i tell my mom to get inside with Choas so me and my dad will handle them and she did as we ask herthey all surround us, my Dad already have a shotgun and me my fits, it's been a long time since I fought against these robots, but I haven't lost my attacks yet.

My Dad start to shot them one by one while i run to them and with one smash them with my old attacks, only in few minutes we manage to stop them all but the worst happend, we miss one of them and he already start to burn our house, he shot him and we boh run insidecovering our noses and mouths with our hands and run into the flames my Dad find her laying down lost consciousness, he take her and i run to my Son's Room

The roof start to fall above of our head and the smork wasn't helping me at all, it's was too thick and too toxic that brun my lungs but i still continue walking until i arrive to his room hardly, but once i arrive i saw a figure of someone close to Choas, once i attract his attention by calling him his face me ,it was a face that i never thought to see 

It Was Metal Sonic

He was going to take my son, i free a little growl as my blood star to boil, he use his hands and start to shot me by i manage to escape, and i immediatey jump on him and push him far enough away from my son, i take the blanket and cover my son before leaving his room by the window.

But alas he regained his strength quickly and grabs my foot sending me straight away from the window towards the corridor pushing me towards the wall where I briefly injured my back, it's was really painful but i didn't care i keep walking to my room where i may have the chance to jumps but the entrance to my room is blocked by beams and pieces of ceiling ignite.

I was close to arrive the staire when i suddendly got i hit on my back and fall down rooling on the staire, my parent didn't manage to escapes and they both stuck under a a bunch of flaming beam above them, they do not move I ended up ramping up to them and trying to get them out but Metal succeeds in catching me at my son and pick me up in a bride style as he started to fly to the sky by breaking all the ceilings I lost consciousness when I heard a familiar voice from afar i look down and i saw him flying toward us

Dark please save us 

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