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No one's POV

Angel was showing Alastor around before going to the front to show him the bar, front desk, waiting room, etc before someone burst through the door. It was no other than Cherri (sorry if the name is incorrect) she was smiling

"Hey Angel!"

"Hey! What up sugar tits" angel smiled walking over and hugging her
"What you doing here in this dump?' Angle asked leaning to the side as one of his upper arm rested on his hip.

Cherri shrugged
"Just wanted to see my best bro why else?" She grins and nudges Angel a bit

Alastor's POV

I was really confused about the random demon who barged in. The spider demon seemed to know the woman as Cherri. I only watched a few feet away when Angel motioned me to come over.

As I walked over Angel introduced me to his friend. She, of course, already knew who I was and was surprised when Angel didn't know who I was.

I stayed quiet watching them talk before I noticed how much of a good figure angel had- no! No. You can't think of that

You shouldn't be thinking about that Alastor, you're the radio demon for Lucifer sake!

I soon walked away but couldn't help but glance back at the tall demon he had such a good figure and his fluff. I honestly wanted to see how they felt and maybe even laid my head down and just relax

What am I thinking!!

I waked to my room shutting the door

Angel's pov

I saw the 'ol' powerful radio demon' checking me out. I felt good about my self standing up a bit straight and making a better pose for him to look at before he left I chuckled to myself making my best friend confused

"What you laughing about?" Cherri said tilting her head a bit

"Oh nothing, I should head to my room now. And feed Fat Nuggets"

Cherri nodded and we said out goodbyes before I went to my room who was a few door away from Strawberry's room. I fed Nuggets and changed into some black shorts and purple oversized shirt with long sleeves. I stepped out of my room to get a drink before seeing Alalstor already heading down there. I quietly followed not making a sound.

What I saw was probably the most weirdest thing to see a powerful demon do

( 401 word count! Short again I'm sorry!)

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