Chapter 16

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Ruby walked around the room devouring her bowl of mango as they waited for the king.

"You enjoying that?" Marlin remarked.

"I lived on an island that got second hand food from Auradon for my entire life," Ruby said as she finished the bowl and set it down on a nearby table. "So yes, I very much enjoy fruit, which ironically our island had none of." Marlin laughed.

"That's the first thing we can ask Ben to change about the isle then," Marlin said. "So, what do you think about my grandfather's taste in, shall we say, historical art?" Ruby looked at the paintings on the walls of King Triton defeating Ursula in battle.

"They certainly are interesting choices," Ruby said. "Though I don't blame him for choosing Ursula. She's the worst."

"Really, you know her?" Marlin asked.

"Unfortunately," Ruby replied. "She is the bossiest person I've ever met. And her daughter is just like her. I heard she has a sister too." Marlin chuckled.

"Ursula's sister kidnapped my older sister Melody once," Marlin said. "But she wasn't as evil as Ursula."

"I didn't know you had an older sister," Ruby said. "Actually, I didn't know a lot of royalty in Auradon had children before I came here."

"A lot of people here were not aware that the people on the isle had children as well," Marlin said. "I must admit, when Ben first told me how many children were on that isle, I was shocked." He paused for a moment. "No offense, of course."

"None taken," Ruby replied with a smile. "The isle isn't exactly the best place to raise children."

"Do you have any siblings?" He asked. Ruby sighed.

"Two brothers, actually," Ruby replied. "Baelfire and Gideon. But I've never met either of them."

"They don't live on the isle?" Marlin questioned.

"No," she replied. "Baelfire died sometime before the age of darkness began in Auradon. And Gideon was born a few years after that. Apparently he's out exploring the world somewhere. I was the only one born on the isle, and I was the only one to inherit my father's magic capabilities."

"That sounds complicated," Marlin commented. Ruby giggled.

"You have no idea," she said. Ruby looked at the paintings.

"What battle were these from?" she asked Marlin.

"I'm not sure," Marlin replied.

"Those, my dear, are from the battle when all of those horrible villains were banished from our land," a voice said behind them. They turned and saw King Triton approaching them.

"Grandfather," Marlin said happily as he embraced him.

"Hello, Marlin," the king said as he returned his hug. "I'm glad you've come for another visit so soon." They released each other and the king's gaze turned to Ruby. "And who is this lovely one you have brought with you?"

"This is Ruby," Marlin replied as he put his arm around her shoulders for a short embrace.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness," Ruby said.

"Oh, the pleasure is mine," the king said kindly. "Any friend of Marlin is welcome here." He glanced at one of the pictures near them. "I see you are examining some of these fine pieces of art here."

"Yes, we were," Ruby replied. "They are beautifully crafted."

"Yes, they are," the king said. "Unfortunately, they will all be moved to the mainland museum for the villain exhibit." Ruby looked at him.

"Why's that?" she asked.

"Well, Prince Ben's new decree is allowing a few of the children of the villains to come here," King Triton replied. "He asked me to move them to the museum to help the villain's children feel more welcome. Personally, I feel his proclamation is a bold move to make before his coronation."

"Grandfather-" Marlin said a little surprised by his words.

"Oh, come now, I wasn't saying they shouldn't be allowed here," the king protested. "I merely think it is a very controversial proclamation to make before Ben is even king. I'm sure some of the isle's children are not exactly like their parents. And I don't have a problem with them coming here or anything, well except maybe a few...if it means we are teaching them how to behave and giving them a better long as it's not Ursula's child." Ruby looked away from the king. She stared at the painting of Ursula. Marlin put his hand on her shoulder. He obviously didn't mention that he was bringing a girl from the isle when he told his grandfather he was bringing a friend to Atlantis.

"I think Prince Ben's proclamation needs to work out a few details," Ruby finally said. "But you're right, I wouldn't want Ursula's daughter here either. Her and her pirate crew can be a little hard core." The king looked at Marlin with a confused look.

"Ursula has a daughter?" King Triton said. "How do you know that?"

"Ruby is from the isle," Marlin replied. Ruby looked at the king again.

"My father is Rumpelstiltskin," she said to him. Ruby saw his demeanor change. He looked apologetic for the comments he had just made, but there was something else present in his face. Fear. Fear of her.

"Oh, I-I'm so sorry, I didn't know," King Triton said. "Forgive my rudeness. I apologize if I offended you in any way."

"No offense taken, your highness," Ruby said politely.

"Wonderful," the king said. He looked at Marlin. "Can I speak with you for a moment?" He motioned for Marlin to walk away with him.

"Of course," Marlin replied. "Ruby, go out and walk in the garden. I will join you in a moment."

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