Chapter 2

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Ruby walked out of her small room with a large black leather bag containing all of the few articles of clothing she owned, and the things she cared about. One of which was a large spindle of gold string, which her father taught her how to spin when she was younger.

"Ah, good your packed," her father said as he stood up from his desk chair. "Did you pack everything you need? Remember, anything here could be stolen by Jafar."

"Yes I packed everything I care about," Ruby said.

"Good," her father said. "Come now, it's time we get you in the car and off to Auradon." They started to walk down the stairs in the back of the tower.

"Father, are you sure I have magical powers?" Ruby asked nervously. "What if I don't? Then what will I do?"

"You must trust in your abilities, crocodile," her father said. "Then you will be able to do anything you desire."

As they were walking passed the door that lead to were the other villans lived, Carlos ran out with a trash bag, and hurried down the stairs. Ruby's father pulled her back to the stair above the door so she wouldn't be trampled by Carlos.

"Carlos, get back here!" his mother yelled as she ran down the stairs after him. "If you leave, then who will shave the hair off of the back of my legs?!" Cruella yelled as she chased after him.

"Ew, that's disgusting," Ruby said as she continued to walk.

"That crazy old women," her father said angrily as he followed behind her.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs they saw the other villans standing by the limo. All except for Maleficent which was a relief to Ruby. Then her father walked outside.

"Well, if it isn't Mr.Gold himself," Cruella said.

"Ms.De'vil," Rumpelstiltskin replied. "Still haven't caught those puppies I see. Where's Maleficent? I thought she was the leader of your pathetic group."

"We can funtion just fine without her," the Evil Queen replied.

"Oh please, this coming from the woman who tried to kill a princess with an apple," he said.

"It was poisoned!" the Evil Queen yelled as she walked away.

Meanwhile, Ruby put her bag in the back of the limo. She walked around the side of the black limo, and crawled inside. She sat down next to Mal on the other side of the limo.

"Hey guys," Ruby said.

"Hey Ruby," Mal said. "Are our parent's at it again?"

"Yeah, except your mom," Ruby said.

"Can you believe we're going to go to Auradon?!" Evie said excitedly.

"What's so great about it?" said Mal uninterested.

"Yeah," Ruby said. "We're just going to go live with peppy princesses-"

"And perfect princes!" Evie interrupted excitedly.

"Yeah, and that," Mal said unenthusiastically. Then the driver got in the limo, and stated to drive away. Evie took out her blush and a brush.

"Here, let me help you. You're looking a little washed out," Evie said to Mal as she started to brush the blush on her.

"Ew, no," Mal said as she pushed the brush away.

"Ruby, you two,"Evie said as she reached across Mal.

"Unless it's green, I want nothing to do with it," Ruby said.

"I don't understand why you only where green blush, and eye shadow," Evie said. "You have long black hair that would look perfect with some pink or red."

"I wear black lipstick," Ruby said.

"But your outfits are mostly black with a little deep red and pale green," Evie said. "Red lipstick and blush would look perfect on you."

"Some other time, okay E," Ruby said.

"Hey what's this?" Mal asked as she picked up a remote. She pressed a button and the black wall behind Mal opened, and they saw the sheild around the island approaching the limo.

"Look!" Evie yelled.

"It's a trap!" Carlos yelled. They all screamed and huttled together as they passed under the sheild. When they were through the shield they all sat back up.

"Wait, we're alive?" Jay asked. Mal turned around to look at the driver.

"Hey, did this little button just do that?" Mal asked him.

"No, this one did that," he said as he held up a large red button. "That one just opens the window. And this one-" he touched a button on the roof of the car, and the window shut.

"Wow, that was evil," Mal said. "I like him." The limo finished crossing the bridge and landed in Auradon.

"Are you guys worried that we'll meet some people that didn't like our parents, and they'll not like use because of them?" Evie asked.

"So what if they don't like us," Mal said. "That's their problem."

"Yeah, but since we have to be here, don't you want to have a not-so-terribly time?" Ruby said.

"We're not going to be here long anyways," Mal said. "Besides, I have a spell book, and you have your dark magic. If anyone gives us a problem, we can take care of them."

"That is if I have magical powers," Ruby said.

"What? Ruby, your father always talked about how he couldn't wait for the day you would get off the island so you could terrorize people with your powers," Jay said.

"He has no proof that I actually have any magical powers," Ruby replied. "He's just basing it off of himself."

"Well, why don't you try now?" Carlos suggested.

"Yeah, why don't you make a rose for our dear prince," Mal said.

"That's not really evil," Ruby replied.

"Just do it," Mal said.

"Alright," Ruby said. She waved her hand in the air and snapped her fingers. A black cloud formed around her hand, and a beautiful red rose appeared in the her hand.

"Well, at least you have some sort of magic," Jay said.

"It's missing something," Ruby said. "I know! Make it black." She snapped her fingers again, and the all watched as the rose pettles slowly turned black.

"Ooh, you should make it blue," Evie suggested.

"No, black is appropriate from us," Ruby said. Then they heard a band playing, and the limo stopped. They were now at Auradon Prep.

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