14 Beauty and the Beach Part 2

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The MC sat in a makeshift booth. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're happy to announce that the Porta Vista Beach Beauty and Pokémon Costume Contest will soon begin! There's a $1000 prize giveaway to the winner of each category. It's not too late to sign up so hurry and enter!"

Paul and I stood by Ryu's restaurant, watching people flood towards the stage and into his restaurant. "Professor Oak was right! The whole beach is packed!" I cheered.

"Success!" Paul said.

"With this, I can pay Brutella her money!" Ryu sniffled.

Paul turned to me. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?"

Nervous on all accounts, I simply replied, "Oh, right. I should get going... You'll be rooting for me, right?"

"Unless there's someone less annoying than you, yeah."

Feeling pain in my chest, I barked. "Wow, thanks for being a complete jackass, Paul!"

He seemed surprised by my outburst. "Hey, sorry. It was just a joke."

"Yeah, a terrible one!" I stormed off to get ready, feeling less and less confident about this whole thing. Let's just get this over with...

Once registered for the contest, I went backstage to prepare. The process for each contestant seemed simple enough. First, the girl walked out onto the stage in an outfit of her choosing. A contestant can wear whatever she wants, but obviously, the audience will give better reviews depending on what clothing is worn. And how much skin is shown...

"This is getting more and more humiliating," I groaned, checking myself in the mirror over and over.

Mrs. Ketchum sat nearby fixing up the costume for my Pokémon. "You look great, dear."

Though I loved the color, I felt uneasy about the amount of skin being shown. "You don't think this is too revealing?"

"Not compared to some other girls out there. Your bikini is just right."

I slumped. What's that supposed to mean?

"Also, here." She suddenly held out a hair clip with a pink flower on it. "I found this at an accessory store nearby."

I gazed at the flower. "Are you letting me wear it?"

"I'm letting you have it, actually. Something tells me it suits you."

Hearing that, I giggled, "Okay," and then fastened the clip into my hair. "How do I look?"

"Beautiful. A healthy, tanned body always looks good."

I blushed. "Thanks, I think."

"And your Pokémon's costume is done too."

I gazed down at my Pokémon, who seemed just a tad bit uncomfortable. "Sorry. It's the only costume I could come up with on the fly. The rules say you have to use at least two Pokémon in a single costume. It'll just be for a bit." They reluctantly agreed to remain on their best behavior.

"Well then, I'm heading to the stands now. Good luck, Rosa."

"W...Wait, Mrs. Ketchum! I wanted to ask something."

"Hmm. What is it?" Then she smiled. "And you can just call me Delia if you want."

"Oh, okay, um... Delia..." I cleared my throat. "I was just curious why you and Professor Oak are here."

"We're here on a vacation with the Pallet Town neighborhood committee."

"So that's it. I was a little surprised."

Trials of a Champion - Kanto [Pokemon x OC]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz