Psychological Damages

Start from the beginning

Ace's eyes were still hardened with anger, but now he understood that she thought he'd be alright. He looked to his left as Sabo sighed loudly and rubbed a hand over his curly blonde head.

"Luffy," he whispered to the small raven.

Luffy shifted his gaze and looked up at Sabo with large an watery brown eyes. Panic still very much noticeable in them.

Sabo smiled wearily and gently put a hand to Luffy's head. "What happened? What's wrong?" Sabo asked as he brushed away the bangs that were plastered to his face with wet and sticky tears.

Luffy raised a hand that trembled terribly and reached behind his head, pulling his pride and treasure up onto his head.

"Dark." He whisper so quiet and hoarse that Sabo had to lean in to hear him. "I don't wanna go back. I don't wanna. I can't do it Sabo, I can't be alone again," Luffy looked up into Sabo's eyes, his own spilling water once more, with pain written into the brown stare.

"It hurts too much."

Sabo and Ace felt a pang of guilt and pain in their own hearts. They knew what Luffy meant. Luffy hated being alone more than anything, but now he couldn't take it. He couldn't be without someone near him. It has been too long this time. He was afraid to let go.

All because we couldn't rescue him.

Ace looked at Aria again, her face still wrought with guilt, although now he had a similar expression.

The freckled raven nodded to her and whispered "Thank you, for watching him." Just loud enough for her and Sabo to hear.

Her eyes widened at the sudden sentiment, but then softened, and she smiled lightly. She walked over to the people crowding the room and ordered them outside to give Luffy and the brothers some space.

Luffy fell asleep after that and a new rule was set into play:

Luffy was to have someone with him at all times, no matter what.

Aria had reported the incident to Whitebeard, seeing as he was concerned considering all the commotion the incident stirred up.

"These boys do seem like a handful," Whitebeard said thoughtfully as the head doctor finished her report.

"They really are. But they have a good bond, and I think that if they can get past this they'll be great pirates one day," she responded with a smile.

Whitebeard laughed heartily at her words and his eyes shined with cheer. "I've really got to meet these new sons of mine! They sound like quite the bunch!"

Aria's smile faltered a bit. "Yeah... I'm sure the older two will be ready enough for it. But I'm not sure about the youngest... " she trailed off into her own thoughts.

Newgate looked down at his daughter with an inquisitive expression. "What do you mean by that?"

The doctor sighed. "He's mentally unstable and skittsh. He's scared of almost everyone and after tonight I'm sure that trust has only diminished. You might... Startle him. " she chances a glance up at her Captain and father but was surprised to see only understanding in his eyes.

"You are this ships doctor my dear, and I trust your judgement with this entire ships life. When he's ready, I'll be happy to meet him." He encouraged with a smile.

Aria returned the gaze and headed back to the infirmary with newfound hope for the boys. She hoped that they would be able to rebuild the trust between the three youngest brothers and the rest of the crew.

The doctor walked into the medical wing to the sound of soft snoring coming from three sleepy figures huddled together on Luffy's bed.

With Luffy in the middle, the three boys had all fallen asleep and were snuggled tightly together.

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