Part 3

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(y/n pov)

(i'm back in the room with the rest of team RWBY with ruby going though the plan weiss and ruby are going to the tower to pull files on the white fang yang is going to the bad part of town to meet a "old friend" blake is going to a white fang meeting while I have my own sources for me to use source I would never let anyone near)

blake: "sun !!!"

(i look out the window and see sun hanging off a tree by his tail)

yang: "how did you get there"

sun: "it's easy I do it all the time"

weiss: "what !!!"

sun: "i said I claim trees all the time so are we finally getting back at that torchwick guy"

blake: "we are going to investigate this as a team"

ruby: "sorry we don't want to get friends involved in this"

bill: "it is a little late for that he bought neptune"

(we all look out the window and see neptune on the wall)

neptune: "hi guys"

weiss: "how did you get up there ?"

neptune: "I have my ways . . . . . . . . . but can we come in we are really high right now"

y/n: "you can come in when you come though the door"

(i slam the window closed a few seconds later)

neptune: "aaaaahhhhhhh !!!!!!!"

bang !

(a few minutes later there was a knock on the door I open it and find sun and neptune a very hurt limping neptune)

neptune: "I'll get you for this"

y/n: "no you won't"

ruby: "well than sun can go with blake and neptune you go with yang snice she doesn't have a partner unless y/n are you sour you don't need help"

y/n: "ruby the day I let you near where I'm going is the day I begin my research on the drag coefficient of tassels on flying carpets"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ruby: "the what ?"

y/n: "never mind"

weiss: "well ruby maybe you should go with yang she is your sister after all"

ruby: "but then who will go with you weiss ?"

weiss: "well I guess neptune can come with me"

ruby: ". . . naaaa"

(ruby grabs weiss and starts to drag her away)

weiss: "but !"

y/n: "butts are for pooping weiss !!! go do your job !!!"


(I'm right outside a old warehouse this is where my "friend works" it's locked so I knock . . . . . hard and it seems that the warehouse has no people just boxes but I know better)

y/n: "so . . . before we get started . . . would anyone like to go"

(I get out my notepad and turn to a page with this)

(I use my power to get both the weapons out in gun mode as I do that 15 men with rifles come out from behind boxes and I jump back behind a box as they start firing these noobs are all firing full automatic 3

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(I use my power to get both the weapons out in gun mode as I do that 15 men with rifles come out from behind boxes and I jump back behind a box as they start firing these noobs are all firing full automatic 3 . 2 . 1 all the firing stops they need to reload I walk out rise my weapons and kill 6 of them before the others can duck back down as they do I rush to another box about half way between me and them before they get back up and start shooting making the same mistake so I do the same thing and kill 5 more of the and am in close range the guns turn to swords and I stab both of them into the nearest man 2 more to my right 1 more to my left I run right while they are reloading I take the head off the first one and as the other was about to fire I knock the gun away and stab him though the heart I turn around and see the last one with his gun aimed at me I put the dead body in fount of me as a shield shoot after shoot hits the body I turn one of the swords back to a gun and shoot him though the head)

y/n: "you know you really need to get some better friends I mean as lest make this hard !!!!!!!!"

???: "well it's hard to find friends like that in a time like this and your just a savage"

rwby x saw volume 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora