"isn't that why I'm here?" I asked him, smiling. "You can tell anything to me."

"Alright.." He huffed a breath. "I know Lisa likes me."

My smile widened, "You like her too, don't you?"

He frowned, "Honestly, no." The smile on my face was gone after he said that.

"But you.." I tried to think of the right words, "You said you don't want her to be fake married to other guys.. You took her on a date... you're with her all the time. Why??"

"I just" He took a chocolate from the box and ate it, "I just find her like a little sister. It didn't really get to the point that I like her more than a best friend or a sister."

I could already imagine how Lisa will feel about this.

"Really? Even if you try?" 

"I don't want to. I like somebody else already." He said, determined, "But I guess I don't have a chance with her too."

"Why would you think that?"

"She looks like she likes someone from her own department." He smiled bitterly, "But that's okay. It's my fault for not telling her about what I'm feeling anyway."

"But what about Lisa.." I trailed, nervous at how Lisa will take it when he tells her about his feelings. I mean, the girl's been head over heels with her best friend since last year.

"I'm planning to tell her soon." He said, "I can't bear seeing her getting her hopes up when I only meant to be a protective best friend for her."

"When will you tell her?" I asked.

Jungkook looked down, "When I'm ready.. to hurt her."

I felt tears filling up the sides of my eyes, "JK"

He instantly jumped from the table and faced me, "Shit, Jisoo. Why are you crying?"

"I don't" I sniffed, the tears now freely flowing, "want to see Lisa cry. She really likes you.." Jungkook wiped my tears. "But I can't force you to like her back... I don't know what I'll tell her when you finally tell her what you feel.."

"I'm sure she won't need words from you, your presence will do. I know her." He tried to console me, "And I'm sorry if I can't like her the way you want me to."

"Please tell it to her gently." He nodded as I wiped my own tears. "I don't want to experience something like this... I might even cry when I tell someone I'm really close to that I don't like them back." I joked, trying to lighten up MY mood.

Jungkook smiled at me, his lips tight, "Want to continue eating your chocolates with me?"

I sniffed again, "Sure."

"You really had a date with V, huh?" He opened another topic.

I sipped my coffee and said, "Yeah. I'm actually still surprised by that."

Jungkook scoffed, "He didn't even tell us that he likes you."

"Does he tell you anything about him though? His family background.. anything?" I asked him, curiosity getting the better of me.

"Nope." He answered, "The only thing I know about his family is that he's Yoongi's cousin and that Yoongi made him transfer here last semester."

"Why call him V, then?"

"I don't know. Jimin started calling him V when we met him. The nickname just got stuck, i guess." He took another bite of his chocolate. "Point is, only Jimin and Yoongi know a lot about V. The professors don't even call him by his real first name. It's always his last name."

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