#4 The Talk

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It was useful to talk some sense into his mind,

it was useless to talk some sense into his heart,

the moment Demet bumped into him,

the moment Demet snorted at him

Can's heart had felt it,

the sparkle...........

It's has been two days since the party 

and Can was already losing his mind.

What about the "I can't let myself fall for her" 

talking-some-sense-into-his-mind crap!!

Can couldn't stop thinking about Demet.

His mother had called him yesterday, 

firing a lot of questions at him about Demet, 

if she was as beautiful as everybody said? 

No,......even more beautiful...........

 What was his impression of her? 

That she was not only beautiful 

but also funny, bubbly and adorable at snorting, 

a woman he could fall for.........

How he thought it would feel like to be working with her? 

As a dream came true.......

Can couldn't wait to see her again. 

All of the above answers were in his mind 

but he never spoke them out to his mom.

She knew him too well, 

he had to cut it short before she became suspicious

and then she would have guessed 

that there was more than an professional interest.

Can was playing with his phone, 

from the WhatsApp group what Çagri made, 

he got Demet's number, 

it was another week, another whole week 

before the first shoot would take place and he was wondering 

if he could send a message to her, 

just asking if she would go out for a cup of tea or coffee.

When he came home from the party,

he was relieved he got a text from Elif that she had to go away, 

unexpected, two days concerning her jewelry business.

They weren't living together, 

they saw each other with every chance they got,

the last few weeks wasn't that a lot 

but she would have spend the night with him of the party.

Can was glad she wasn't going to stay the night,

certainly now his mind was occupied with another woman than Elif.

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