"Does that mean that you want me to annoy you anytime now?" I teased him, and he slowly smiled and nodded. "That's so weird."

V shrugged. "I just figured it will all be worth it."

"But we've only met for a month."

"Yeah,and for that month, I've been to classes with you, ate lunch with you sometimes, been handcuffed and fake married to you.." He brushed his hair back, looking frustrated.

I bit back a grin. "Will you still be like this tomorrow?"

"What do you mean by 'like this'?

"Talkative and more smiley.."

"When I'm with you, why not?" He smiled subtly. "I talk to people who I'm comfortable with."

"Does that mean you're comfortable with me JUST NOW?"

"Since I saw you waiting for a bus." He explained. "You were actually fun to be with when I walked you back to the dorm that night."

"We didn't even talk!"

"That's what I liked about it. I didn't even feel uncomfortable with the silence and even when you were whining about jumping." He smiled.


"Honestly, the first time I saw you in the hallways during your talk with JK, I thought you were pretty mean and a spoiled brat."

"I'll pretend you stopped at the word pretty but go on.."

V chuckled. "You looked.. ready to yell at him when you saw him take a picture of you. Then I saw how your expression quickly changed, I noticed the fake smile too."

"Oh.." I said, "That's because I told myself to make friends with more people now. I didn't have good relationships with my past schoolmates so I thought, I could start making friends with JK."

"Why him though? And why did you give that fake smile of yours?"

"He's the first person that caught my eye!" I told him truthfully, "I told you, I wanted to make friends, that's why I tried to forget what he did."

"Would you tell me why you decided to change your attitude? Or should I wait till we're close enough?"

"Promise not to tell anyone." I looked at him sternly.

"I promise." 

" I was bullied." I looked at our intertwined hands to avoid his gaze," Chaeng too, sometimes. Our blockmates would always compare me to Jin. How successful he is now, how I'm a privileged girl because my family is rich that I always get what I want.."

"I'm sorry." He said, which made me look at him in surprise.

"What for?"

"For judging you too quick."

I laughed, "That's alright. You didn't judge me, all you noticed was true, What bothers me is where were you that time? I only saw Jungkook in the hallway."

"I was by the stairs, far from where you two were standing. I was trying to hide from someone. Probably why you didn't notice me plus the fact that you're too focused on JK that time."

"You're hiding from someone?"

"Tzuyu. Remember the girl who bumped you when we first saw each other?"

So we really locked eyes that time, huh?

"Oh. The one that you married first?"

"Were you waiting for this topic to come out again? You can tell me that you're jealous, Jisoo."

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