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Historian Patricia Pavlov is a bachelor with a secret: she can skip from one timeline to another by just thinking about it. She had fun watching the Tudors bicker with one-another, shocked by the horrors of the two World Wars, sympathised with Trotsky when he was being relentlessly pursued by the KGB, and rejoiced over the fall of Berlin Wall.

One day, she realises that her powers have been tampered with and she cannot travel in time as per her wish; rather, she would go to bed in the present and wake up to find herself in the 1950s one day or wake up in the 1990s the next. It was around this time that a new person has moved into town.

Landon Graff seems like a regular man, except Patricia is sure he is bad news. There's something about him that she can't understand yet, but intends to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible.

To top it off like a cherry on a cake is a hooded man chasing her every time she wakes up in a different timezone. She doesn't know who he is, but deep down, she has a feeling she knew him before.

All her problems began around the time Landon Graff arrived in town and she decides he is bad news. She determines to get to the bottom of who he really is, before he discovers her secret.



"Stuck in Time" is my submission to the Open Novella Contest 2020, based on prompt #36. It was an almost-submission last year for the same contest and another, a Just Write It contest, under the title "Stricken", so, I guess its fate has been sealed! However, the story is changed with a new plot, so it is as good as a new story.

Anyway, this story idea is unlike I've ever written before, so please expect plotholes and other imperfections. By nature, I try to be perfect, but there's always a chance that I'll overlook something. It's literally a Brand New Idea for me, based off a prompt from the contest, of course.

Thank you for opening this book and if this story idea interests you, then you may join me on this journey.

Stuck in Time | #OpenNovellaContest2020 | Round TwoWhere stories live. Discover now