December 2010: Young Love & Slutty Christmas

Start from the beginning

"Emily..." I stutter, clearing my throat. "I...I'm sorry. I didn't-"

"No, you don't have to apologize. Really. Although it's gross. Not that you're gross, but he's my brother. And I've told him repeatedly not to sleep with my friends. Repeatedly. It's not really any of my business but, I'm totally stumped as to when it could have happened. I didn't even know you guys knew each other!" Emily seems more amused and surprised than angry, and I feel a bit of relief flow through me. The last thing I want is to cause any problems.

"I didn't know he was your brother. I met him when we were in Punta Cana." I say softly, covering half of my face with my hands. I can feel the blush rushing to my cheeks.

"OH?" Emily looks surprised. "That's insane." She knows my vacation fling story, but only minor details of it.

"I swear, if I had known he was your brother, I never would have..." I trail off. Emily shrugs.

"Again, no need for apologies. I was just so confused when I introduced you two. Tom's so easy to read, and I knew right away that you'd already met each other." Emily sighs and rolls her eyes. "I hope he wasn't a jerk." She adds quickly. I swallow hard and my mind goes to last night. The way he pressed me up against the island, in the exact spot I'm sitting in now.

"No, he was sweet." I nod quickly.

"Spare me the details." She groans and we both laugh. "Listen, Gracie. You're both adults. And please don't think I'm trying to tell you what to do." She sighs heavily and leans forward. "I love my brother. He's the best. He's smart and super funny and has the biggest heart. But sometimes I think that's sort of his problem. He loves everyone. If you get what I mean." Emily lifts an eyebrow and then chews on the side of her lip.

"Ah..." I shift, not sure what to say.

"He really is the best. But he can be fickle, and he's never really tied himself down to anyone. I just...don't want you to get hurt. I don't want you to get the wrong idea about him. I love him, I'd never say anything about him-the cheeky bastard, but he's sort of a whore." Emily laughs and I laugh with her, though for some reason my stomach feels a bit sour and I can feel myself forcing the sound from my mouth.

"Thanks, Em. I like Tom. He is great. But you don't have to worry." I can hear the words coming from my mouth before I really truly know what I'm saying. Emily looks relieved, taking a deep breath.

"Phew!" She grins. "It's a small world, isn't it?"

I nod, pressing my lips together. Too small of a world. I take a few more gulps of water, and then slide off the stool. Today calls for more sleep, a scalding hot shower, and then maybe as much chocolate as I can scrounge up. Emily yawns again and then tips her glass of water at me.

"I'm going back to bed-" She starts, before she is interrupted by the rumble of someone running down the stairs, followed by some loud voices.

"Don't talk to me, Tom. Don't even try to talk to me, you shit!" Jenny's voice is shrill and high, and it makes my headache throb. I close one eye and glance at Emily, who looks perplexed but not surprised.

"Jenny, please, lower your voice. My whole family-"

"I don't give a fuck about your family! You shit!" She repeats, her voice reaching another octave. Emily covers her mouth, and I can't tell if she's shocked now or if she's trying not to laugh. I freeze. Maybe right now is not the time to try and go back upstairs. There's a thumping noise, and then some cursing, and then Jenny rounds the corner into the kitchen.

Her dark hair is a swirl around her head. She's fully dressed, including her coat and boots, and is wheeling a suitcase behind her. She has a huge hand bag wedged in the crook of her arm, and she looks so angry that I'm afraid her head might blow off.

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