A New Chance

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Kept in a cell, those were the only things that a certain girl could feel. Grief for her family, and her niece, all who had been brutally murdered. Anger that she faintly recalled what she did, what she had become. Numbness, as if 2/3 of her soul had been ripped from her, the 1/3 that remained left to rot on it's own.

And rage. Rage at herself that she had been, of all things, saved. Rage that the scouts had refused to even look her in the eyes as she was escorted off the steaming titan carcass that she resided in for who knows how long. That her wish to join her family, and be put out of her misery, had been rejected, instead taken in for questioning.

Everyday had been the same, the exact questions asked over and over again.

"Why did you do that?"
" How did you that?"
"Where are really from?"
"What are you?"

And everyday she could never answer. Because she truthfully did not know. She herself was disgusted. And even though she always told the truth, she was regarded with cold, heartless eyes. Large, warm but freezing, hands would take her to another place and whip her bloody for "not telling the truth".

Every time she thought it would be the end, and she could finally escape into the warm embrace of her family, it was just out of reach. Skin healed itself, melding together again, just in time for the next days beating, yet always leaving faint, long scars. It seemed as if there would be no end to the tortuous cycle.

Until he came.

The same man that found her. The day he came, the beatings had stopped. The same men who asked her questions had not since come. She was given fresh food, the chance to shower, and a small bed. The feeling of being human once again. Despite her want to leave this wretched world, the small rational part had taken over.

And it felt good. To be treated like normal, not the monster that others had judged her to be.

The cell door creaked open, rather loudly, and he stepped in. Tall, blond, and oddly bushy eyebrows. Compared to the previous men, he actually looked threatening. He wasn't fat or bloated, he was muscular. He wasn't short, he towered over her. He didn't have an aura of false strength and fear, he radiated confidence without an ounce of fear. And it scared her. She nearly flinched when he began to speak, but not in the form of questions.

"Hello there. My name is Erwin Smith." As he talked, another man stepped in. Short yes, but he still had the same aura as 'Erwin'. "This is Levi Ackerman. We're here to take you in."

Take me in?

"What I mean is, we've talked to the authorities. Based on what have seen, and what have others have as well, they have decided that you are not too dangerous. They've agreed to let you out of here, but only under the conditions that," Erwin pointed to himself, "I be your guardian. And I have agreed." He offered a small, genuine, smile. "So what do you say?" He offered a hand towards her.

Tears had been on the verge of coming. She now felt ok. As if the reason why she had been rejected death was so that she could be here. A chance to redeem her family had come. To redeem herself of the monster that she had become. And maybe someone to fill in the void that her slaughtered family had left.

She took his hand, and she was glad.

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