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Kale looked down at Kershala's hand in his own he could feel his heart pounding in his chest as Anubis spoke about leaving the planet. It didn't bother him that the AI said that he was not it's concern, that was its programming, but he couldn't handle the thought of them leaving. With the tension that now sat in the room the next few minutes would determine their fate. Kale noticed the soldiers had their guns pointed at Kershala seemingly waiting for the order to kill him.

"We will not be held at the mercy of a machine," said the General. Kale could see him reaching for his gun. "Kill them!" Without hesitation Kershala pushed Kale against the wall at the same time kicking the table at the guards. Kale put his head down when their surroundings began to change, he looked again and could see that the simulation of Kershala fighting the Shiron to save his family was playing. The guards starting shouting and firing at the images being projected. He felt Kershala's hand on his arm and he was being pulled to his feet.

"Let's go!" he said. With the AI ahead of them they headed toward the door Officer Stanfield was cowered there. Kershala stopped and helped her up she looked at him with tears and fear in her eyes. "I am sorry, this was not what I wanted, but I cannot stay here like this." Kershala helped her against the wall.

"Kershala it is imperative that we search the Arktora's body," said Anubis with great urgency. They ran through the door slamming it behind them, and down the hall, Kershala stopped with Kale at the window.

"I will not risk Kale's life, we can come back for it!" Kershala slammed his fist through the window and fresh air started to blow in.

"There will not be another chance, if we leave here, they will likely transport the body somewhere else, there is no choice. We must do this now!"

"Kershala we can go, I'll be okay, let's just do it!" Kershala looked at him with concern in his eyes. "Don't worry, nothings going to happen to me. I'm with you."

"Have you determined where it is?" asked Kershala turning to face the AI.

"I have scanned the facility and can lead us easily to it. There is a lab on the lowest floor, it is below where you were being held." The AI flew down the hall and turned a corner, there was a flash of light when Kale and Kershala took to running after it. Kale turned the corner last to see a guard laying on the floor Anubis had stunned him like it did the police officer. He grabbed the officers side arm from their body and looked up to see Kershala and Anubis already in the elevator. He checked the gun over as he joined them.

"I think these elevators are code locked, they don't move on their own," said Kale tapping a couple of buttons on the panel.

"I will deal with it." Anubis hovered over to the panel and performed a scan seemingly a second later the elevator began to move, the fourth basement level was lit up on the LED display. "From what I can tell this facility is minimally staffed to maintain discretion. There will only be medical staff and a team of 4 guards to deal with."

"Using that simulation back there was a good idea, but it was only temporary right? There's a good chance they know we are coming now," explained Kale. The elevator came to a stop and a red light came on above them. "I guess they know now."

"They have put the base on lockdown, but I can and will override their security measures." Anubis' lenses began flashing in sequence and the elevator began moving again before settling on the bottom floor. "We have arrived." The doors to the elevator didn't open on their own, Kale moved to push the button to trigger it when Kershala stopped him.

"Wait, the implant is showing that the four guards are waiting for us," he said putting his hand down in front of Kale to stop him. "Anubis you must create an illusion to provide cover for me. Kale you will stay here." Kale nodded, and the AI began to create an illusion filling the elevator with mist. Kershala guided Kale to the side of the elevator placing his hands-on Kale's hips pushing him to the wall, out of the potential line of fire. "Please do not endanger yourself." Kale was grateful for Kershala's protection, but he was also pretty sure of what was about to happen once that door opened.

Astral Legacy Book 1Where stories live. Discover now