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Your POV

"what would you do if Kleinman hurts you?"

Connor asks


I honestly have no idea, wallow in sorrow maybe? definitely

or beat the shit out of him? not a bad idea

but I won't say that

"bold of you to assume I'll ever hurt her"

Jared says while I was thinking, though I know it's not true, it still made me smile.

"I don't know honestly, I guess we'll cross the bridge when we get there"

I answer then spin the bottle and it points at...


yeet, his cheeks become rosy as we all look at him


he says and we all think of questions

"biggest turn on?"

Jared smirks as I smack his shoulder, Connor also smirks

"HEY! what the hecc Jared"

I say and he laughs

"what? he chose truth, that's his fault"

He says and I cross my arms, dick. Evan continues to blush as he finally answers

"... long hair"

He says


Jared teases and I bump his shoulder. He kiNdA sToPs? he stopped making sounds but gave Evan that look. I shake my head and lean it against his shoulders. Evan spins the bottle, it points at...


"definitely dare"

he says without skipping a beat, Connor has a wicked look on his face oof. I glare at him and shot daggers through my stare. I didn't want him to say anything inappropriate because Jared will do it, without hesitation.

"so what's the dare?"

Jared asks

Connor then answers,

"I dare you to let Y/N sit on your lap until the game is over, you have to hold her close of course."

I roll my eyes and get up. I did as told and Jared is blushing madly but barely showed embarrassment.

This is gonna be a long game.


We decided to end the game and in the end, Jared ended up wearing a wig, is shirtless with drawings all over his bare back and body whilst having me on his lap. Connor ended up with a drawn mustache on his face and his long hair all in braids whilst sitting behind Evan with his arms wrapped around Evan. Evan ended up having multiple hoodies and jackets on him, still wearing Connor's of course and his pants being off which means only the hoodie is covering the top part of his thighs while only wearing a boxer underneath. I ended up smelling like the weirdest concoxion ever and my whole face coloured red with lipstick and my arms being full of drawings, the drawings I liked the most were Connor's drawing of a video game controller, Evan's drawing of a tree with the words "be careful, always" written around it and Jared's drawing of a heart, written inside "mine."

The game was fun and definitely memories to treasure forever but we were all getting hungry so we figured of getting food.

While Jared and Connor were out getting food, Evan and I secretly ordered a cake that of course said "Happy Birthday Jared!"

We all sat down to eat when they arrived with the food and of course, talked while doing so. We asked Jared to close his eyes and he did as told, we lit the candle on the cake and places it in front of him. We made him open his eyed and sang Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you!

clap clap

Happy Birthday to you!

clap clap

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday Jared!

clap clap

He closes his eyes for a few seconds then blows on the candle, we all clapped and he stood up and hugged me. I hugged him back and whispered "Happy Birthday love" He let go of the hug and smiled at me

"thank you"

he said then kissed me quickly.

>> Time Skip <<

G I F T T I M E !

We all sat down in a circle, Connor not knowing he would be invited sang a song to Jared because he didn't bring a gift but still, Jared appreciated it.

Evan gave him two gift boxes and he opened them one by one, one box contained a shiny necklace with a letter "J" pendant and the other box contained a pair of sunglasses since Jared frequently breaks them or loses them. Jared thanks Evan and gives him a hug and wore the necklace given to him. It's aDORABLE ugh I'm soft

Then I give my gifts, all contained in one box except for the pack of cards. He first grabbed the keychain

"since you always drive us everywhere, I need you to drive safe. I need you"

He smiles warmly at me and grabs the next one, he grabs the t shirt. He rips off the shirt he's already wearing and wore the one in the gift. Adorable

He then grabs the small box with the ring in it, he opens it gently and his eyes just sparkle, as if he'd seen the most valuable stone, the most beautiful human being, the most perfect object. His eyes get teary but he doesn't cry and handed me the ring. I put it on his finger and he immediately hugs me, I stroke his back and said

"there's one more"

I say and he released from the hug

I give him the deck of cards full of reasons I love him, he just wraps his arms around me and I feel him sniffing. I immediately hug back and started stroking his back. We sat there like that for a few minutes and he releases.

I call us all for a group hug and we all hug Jared. And we all sat there hugging

Moments later, we decided to take a picture or two and so we did.

We then all prepared sleeping bags on the floor, everyone was sleeping on the floor and not even Jared was sleeping on the bed we all layed there, with content smiles plastered on our faces.

"Best Birthday Ever."

Jared says and we all smile wider


I'm SO ducking sorry it took over a month for an update also, thank you for sticking by. It means a lot. The month of February barely gave me free time and now, on the last day I finally have some. Hope you all have a great day! Love you all!

~Lai 💋

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