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TW: physical abuse, cutting, blood, implied suicide.

Your POV

Walking home from school is sad without Evan and Jared, it's so quiet and... unlively.

I finally get home and my parents are actually here, wow, that's a first. Mom brought some new prick here, they're eating off each other's faces on the couch, disgusting. They didn't even notice I'm here, I mean, who even notices I exist?

I was gonna head upstairs then mom finally noticed me.

"Young lady learn to knock before barging in here!"

I was taking none of this bullshit today, I'm very tired and Evan and Jared didn't walk me home which just made my mood sink lower.

"Sorry I mean if you weren't leeching on to your little boyfriend here maybe you'd actually notice I'm alive."

She shot daggers at me but I wasn't afraid of some stare. I roll my eyes at her as she yells

"Young lady you watch your mouth or else-"

Her voice hurt my ears so I decided to cut her off

"or else what? first of all this is dad's house so you can't make me leave even if you wanted to and second, why don't you watch your mouth so it doesn't keep kissing boys?"

I say with all sass within me and ran upstairs, I know what's going to happen once her boy toy leaves, sigh whatever, not like I'm not used to it.

I head into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror, I look hideous. I know deep inside everything she's saying is true, I'm worthless, useless, good-for-nothing. I'm just a burden to dad and everyone around me. Maybe if I ended it now, no one will notice. I pick up a cutter and started drawing blood from my wrist, tears fall as the blood drips.




I hear my dear mother bang on my door as I wash off the cuts to try and make it stop bleeding. As I was washing it she kept yelling

"Oh what are you doing now?! cutting yourself to earn pity from your father?! nice try he doesn't even care about you! no one does, you're an accident. You weren't plan and I should've just dropped you as a baby!"

Her words pierced through my chest as tears started rolling down my face like waterfalls, they weren't gonna stop going out of my eyes. I just had to accept my faith. I roll down my sleeve and wipe off my eyes, I turn the doorknob and open the door to see my beloved mother furious

"Well? You think you can just sass me all you want after you get home from school? nice try! you're grounded and none of your little friends can come over for month young lady!"

I stared coldly at her and tried to walk past her, I held in the tears not willing to show weakness. She grasped on my arm and yanked me. She shoved me against the wall and I felt like my skull was going to crack. I fell on the floor as she walked out of my room slamming the door shut.

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