
697 33 28

WORD COUNT: 829 Words

Your POV

While waiting, I planned my whole day, it's only 6:12 AM. Plenty of time, I thought to myself. I want this birthday to be special for him, even if he's an ass. He can be great sometimes, and his humour is what I love most. I'll never admit to his face that he's funny, even though he is. Hey, I still have pride and besides, seeing his cute pout whenever I turn down his joke is adorable, I'd love to always see that. And goodness his laugh, it's like music—

"Earth to [Y/N]!!"

I snap out of my thoughts as I hear jared yell, I look at him and god— he looks so good wtf. And why am I only noticing how good he looks with wet hair? maybe I just appreciate it more now because I finally figured out I like him. Nonetheless, I felt myself blush. That was embarrassing, how long was he calling for me?

"h-hey! err sit down and eat then you can leave to school"

I smile at him and he smirks back god why have you forsaken me?

We eat in silence, with a couple jokes here and there. We finished up so I gathered the plates and put them on the sink, I turn on the faucet to wash our dishes

"Hey [Y/N] let those be. Just settle them there, I'll wash it when I get home"

Jared Kleinman

The Jared Kleinman,,,, washes dishes?!

Wow, and all these years he keeps saying that he's lazy af

His eyes go wide and his ears grew red, he spoke before I can even open my mouth

"it's not like I always do them, err it's just that uhh be-because—"

I giggle at how flustered he was

"Don't worry Jared, it's okay to admit that you're not THAT lazy"

I ended with a laugh and he crosses his arms

"but I am THAT lazy"

He replies back

"well then I'll just do the dishes, since no one will"

I open the faucet again and he stops me

"No, I'll do them. Whatever I'm not THAT lazy but it's just rude to make you wash the dishes after cooking breakfast for me"

I smile sweetly at him, getting butterflies in my stomach knowing he appreciates what I did.


Jared's in school now, and I'm home. It's not really home if all it contains is false euphoria is it now? sigh. Well I'll do some cleaning and go shopping, for gifts. Maybe go by Connor's if he's home, or catch a ride with him if he's not mad anymore? what am I thinking? of course he's mad. Maybe I should talk to him first.

Calling "Evan's Daddy"...


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