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As the day progresses, I get more and more tired wishing I'm just laying down at home watching a movie or playing a game.

But alas even after class I can't go home yet because we have a group work. Me, Evan and Jared are gonna do it and Alana and Jared will present because neither me nor Evan wants to speak.

The plan is to go to Evan's and so is what we did. We decided to walk because I forced them :3

"hey [Y/N] do you mind if I steal you for a second?"

Jared asks as I raise my eyebrow at him. He winks causing me to blush a bit and followed his lead as Evan stays up front.

"Need anything red?"

I ask stabbing my hands into the pocket of my pants.

"I just uhm.. This weekend can you—"

"Your birthday? of course I'm coming, I won't miss it for the world you know."

I cut him off because I knew what was gonna happen and I smile at him. He smiled widely at my answer god, he's so cute.

did I just call Jared Kleinman... CUTE?!

"Perfect! Evan will pick you up and you guys can come at the same time at my house alright?"

"Sounds good to me. What are you planning to do?"

He snickers and with a goofy smile he answers,

"Well first off mom will cook dinner for us and she has to go to work by then, dad isn't home so it's only gonna be us three by 5 or 6 pm"

Jared answers with stars sparkling in his eyes, I can feel his excitement.

"Great! So what time can we come? Can we come as early as possible?"

I say in an excited-kid voice tone with the brightest smile plastered on my face.

"You can ask Evan"

He states and I caught up with Evan, panting a bit as he looks at me.

"n-need a—"

"What time are we going to Jared's house on this weekend?"

I quickly ask cutting him off, excitement very obvious from my tone of voice.

"We c-can go as e-early as you want i g-guess."

Evan answers with a warm smile, less stutter-y (if that's even a word). Literally feeling like a kid that got candy, my eyes sparkle and thought of things to do on that day and also, thinking of a gift.


As we arrived at Evan's, we all went to his room and started to working to get the job done early. Jared sits on Evan's desk chair with his laptop as I sit on the floor, leaning on the bed with my laptop on my lap, searching for information and coming up with ideas.

• SAY WHAT YOU NEED TO SAY • (Jared x Reader) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ