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Indigo POV

Coons from animals awake and thriving in the forest surrounding Oxenfurt fill my ears as Geralt and I head to the siting of the great beast described by the terrified young man.

"I never thought I would meet my mate. Honestly I figured they rejected me or died." I speak up softly as we trek through the dead trees and hard snow.

Geralt stayed quiet but every once in a while he would snap off the brittle sharp edges of some trees and look back to make sure I'm still here.

~Fuck, Jump his bones right here an now Indi or I will!~ Kami hissed so loud I fear Geralt herd her. A blush dusts my pale cheeks again.

Though it goes unnoticed due to the rosiness of them already due to the cold. "Shut up Kami" I hiss before bumping into Geralt's firm back.

"Shit- Sorry, I swear I'm not usually this clumsy." I mutter. His lips quirk slightly and I'm suddenly pinned to a tree.

"Trust me. Witcher is telling me to fuck you right here and now, I'm sure that's what yours is saying too." I bite my crimson lips and nod.

Geralt's eyes flicker to my lips before smashing his against mine. He groans and a coarse moan bubbles up from my core and I wrap my arms around him.

A rough but warm hand pulls my cloak open and slips past it to my armoured beasts. "Fuck" Geralt growled lowly.

I gasp and feel him press himself against me and explore my mouth with his tongue.

Our eyes shoot open as a loud roar pierces our sinful desire. I watch Geralt's eyes turn black and thin black veins cover below his eyes and above them.

"Witcher? I whisper but he didn't respond only pushed me to the ground as a sharp claw stabbed the tree where we where.

Kami immediately took over my body and my skin changed. A hunger for a fight filled my bones and Witcher smirked at my new form.

"Paint me. It'll last longer sexy." I say seductively and quickly make an eye with my fingers before pulling them apart. Ten daggers appear around me.

Witcher adorned with his sword and me with my magic stood together. Suddenly a giant Hodag ripped through the dead trees and charged at us.

I make a quick X with my arms charging them up before breaking it and sending them shooting at the Hodag viciously.

I manage to slow down and bring the Hodag close to death but Geralt is the one who delivers the final blow.

I look down at the creature and crouch down. Running my fingers through the beasts fur I pluck some and tie it together before stashing it into my satchel.

Geralt pulls the Hodag by the feat and rests it over his shoulder as we walk back to the village. We make it there at sunrise and take it to the town square.

The young man gasps and yells that we are back causing a crowd of merchants and villagers to flock towards the town square.

Geralt lazily tossed it to the ground and stood next to me. "Now for payment." His gruff voice rang out.

I realize that we had changed back into our normal forms and sigh a breath of relief. The man pays us both and we head off to the stables together.

Only to find out that Geralt is a giant softie when it comes to roach! He talks to him like its his child! "May I touch him I ask softly and Geralt hesitates before nodding.

I smile and rub my fingers through Roaches hair. "Hey there boy, aww aren't you sweet!" I coo sweetly.

Geralt suddenly grabs me by the hips and puts me onto his horse. He hops up behind me and puts one arm around my waist and the other on the lead.

"Let's go Roach." He called out and we took off. A squeak escaped my lips and I closed my eyes. Geralt chuckles at this and I lean my head against his shoulder feeling safe in his arms.

A Witcher's Mageजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें