70(TBP) - Lewis Hamilton

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'I'll take a breath, I'll take her by my side, we stand in awe, we've created life'

I had been waiting for my partner to come home, he'd been away for over two months, choosing to stay in his other homes closer to where he was working. I didn't mind though, it only made our relationship stronger, for me, it did anyway. Lewis didn't tell me much of how it affected him, he called me every night though. Some nights we'd stay up all night just listening to each other's breathing. Falling asleep next to him was what I missed the most.

Today though, he had told me he would be home by lunchtime but it was now five in the evening. I didn't know what might be holding him up but I knew better than to call every five minutes, he'd be home when he was ready.

I headed to the kitchen, I rifled through the cupboards looking for something to snack on. Opening the fridge, I tried to find something in there too but I was struggling. I just had a craving for... something more than my usual food.

"Tahni, I'm home!" Lewis' voice stopped my hands that was moving everything drastically. I quickly slammed the fridge door shut before pulling my many braids either side of my head resting them on my shoulders. "Hey, babe," he appeared at the kitchen door before walking close to me.

Smiling at him, I wrapped my arms around his midsection as his hands cupped my face moving my head up to look at him. "This is a funny lunch time," I joked as I smiled at him.

He pressed his lips against mine, a quick peck before he put his forehead against mine. "Sorry, you know how the airlines are these days." He let go of my face before stepping away from me, he reached into his holdall and pulled out a black box which he offered to me. "Take it."

My eyes glanced over the box, my eyes widened at the logo that was written on the box. "Lewis?" I looked back at him as I took the box from his hands, "This must have been really expensive."

"Don't worry about the price," he told me as he watched me, waiting for me to open it.

Holding the box in my hands, I returned my gaze to it. It wasn't the first time Lewis had brought me Chanel jewellery but he did know how I felt about him spending his money on me. As I opened the box, I stared down at the piece of jewellery that he'd brought me. "Oh my God," I looked back up at him, "It's beautiful."

He smiled as he walked towards me, "I just want to give you the best."

I breathed in deeply as I stood in front of him before I caught a whiff of his aftershave. My body seemed to go into overdrive as I felt the urge to throw up, pushing passed him, shoving the box into his hands before I ran to the bathroom slamming the door shut behind me before throwing up.

"Tahni? What's going on?" I heard him ask in a concerned voice from the opposite side of the bathroom door.

Leaning against the wall, I sighed as I thought about what might have been happening with my body but I only had one thing that really stood out for me. I got to my feet, I flushed the toilet before washing my hands wiping my mouth clean before I opened the door and looked at Lewis.

"T?" He looked almost scared by my reaction.

I leaned against the skin, staying the bathroom as he stepped over the threshold and stared at me waiting. "I think I'm pregnant," I spoke in a quiet voice.

Lewis' face didn't change, he didn't smile, he didn't look happy, he didn't look mad, he continued to look scared. "You think? When was the last time you had a period, T? I've been away for two months," he spoke quickly. "You can't be, surely? We have to get you a test."

Breathing deeply, I nodded at his words.

"You just stay here," he said before he left in an instant.

My eyes were burning from the tears that I held in. Maybe I should have done something sooner about the situation, I knew I was an idiot for ignoring everything that was happening to me. I could not remember my last period, they were very irregular anyway so I probably didn't think about it like I should have.

I left the bathroom returning to the kitchen where I picked up the box Lewis had brought me. Opening the box, my fingers glided over the beautiful silver ear cuff that stared back at me. I hated how he knew me so well, I loved it too.

His reaction to me thinking I am pregnant really caught me off guard. I didn't know what I wanted from him, I expected more support, I didn't want to tell him so soon though.

Ten minutes passed before I heard the door open, Lewis returned to the kitchen where he handed me the bag from the pharmacy. "Take the test," his voice was almost demanding as I took the bag.

"Lewis?" My voice was shaky as looked at him.

"T, please go and take the test," he begged as he moved out of my way.

Carrying the bag, I walked back to the bathroom. I took the test, peeing on the stick before washing my hands and waiting for the test to work. Unlocking the door, I looked at Lewis who stood in the hallway watching me as he leaning against the opposite wall.

I needed some comfort; I needed some words of encouragement from him. "What are we going to do if I am?" I asked him as I stood like a naughty school girl waiting for his response.

"Let's just wait," he was much calmer than me right now. I was screaming internally scared that I was facing up to the truth.

Turning away from him, I picked up the pregnancy test and stared at the window. My heart stopped a little as I dropped it into the sink.

"T?" His voice called out to me from behind me. "T?"

"I'm pregnant," I whispered as I closed my eyes putting my head down.

I felt his hand touch my back which made me jump, opening my eyes before I felt him softly rubbing my back. "It's going to be okay, T," he told me quietly.

Turning on the spot, I found myself in his arms. "What are we going to do?" I was so worried about what he was going to say next, so far he hadn't seemed very happy with it.

"Everything's going to be okay, T." He pushed hair away from my face, his eyes looking into mine as he smiled. "I didn't know what I was coming home to but this, this is surprisingly... perfect." He kissed my cheek, "Tonight is the best night of my life... so far."

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