Green specs swirled within the depths of the honey brown of her eyes creating the hazel eyes I love so much. With cautious steps I made my way towards her afraid that any rush of movement with scare her more so than she already was. The beads of water ran down my body as the towel clung to my waist, my damp hair clinging to my forehead. Her arms stretched out for me to enter. In at least five steps I reached her side and kneeled beside the bed her eyes following me as I bent down. Her hands reached out and ran her fingers through my hair and over my face with such as tender touch you would think I was a dream and not real. Fingertips touched my lips and ran over my eyes. I savored her touch and let a cold breath out against her palm.

"R-Ryder" she stuttered softly. Biting her lip she cupped my face with both hands and leaned her head down to meet mine placing her forehead against mine. Our breaths mingled as one, my eyes slowly closing.

"Bell" my voice was hoarse as I spoke showing her the fear I felt at the thought I had lost her.

"Don't leave me" her voice cracking and a silent sob tore from her lips causing me to open my eyes to gaze upon her. Tears once again filled her eyes and fell down in streams. Sobs tore from her lips as she wrapped her arms around me pulling me closer to her body, in that instant I had forgotten my state of dress and damp body. Her arms pulled me tighter, her body shaking in my arms as she cried. What had happened to make her react this way? It was only eight at night so she had been asleep pretty much all day.

"Your wet" she mumbled against my damp shoulder her hot breath freezing the spot it touched.

"I was in the shower" I told her softly, realizing that the water still ran when I had jumped with fright from the shower. Carefully I pulled back from her arms, I could feel her body tense and protest as I pulled away from her.

"I'm turning the water off in the shower I will be right but plus I need to put clothes on my precious" I told her as I stood up and placed a soft kiss to her forehead and made my way back into the bathroom. Turning the water off I grabbed a pair of new boxers and pulled them on before making my way back to bed. Bell sat covered in the sheets with her arms wrapped around her knees with her head resting on her knees as she trembled with tears.

"Bell?" I asked her softly. She looked up at me startled with her hazel eyes red and puffy with tears. Walking slowly I slid into bed next to her and pulled her onto my lap as if she was a child. Her head fit under my neck and my arms held her with perfect perfection.

"R-Richard I-is alive" her voice sent shivers down my spine as I registered what she had just said. How could Richard be alive? Well the truth in that matter is that he can still be alive. That day is still hard to remember but I vaguely remember someone else being there with Richard thought the person does not come to mind. Bell kept her tiny body snuggled against mine soon her sobs quieted and her breathing once again turned steady and soft. Somehow the beautiful girl in my arms had fallen back into the darkness that she seemed to take comfort in. There was more to her than meets the eye but I still believe I am not good enough to even be in the same room as her. Slowly I lay down with her body still wrapped in my arms. Her head lying on my chest with her waves sprawled across it my arms holding her close to me. Slowly her breathing lulled me to sleep the events of today locked away in the mind of the girl within my arms, I had no clue what went on during the time I was asleep. I drifted off into the darkness along with her. My house secure and warm, our bodies tangled as one. As I slipped into the oblivion I swear I heard her whisper "goodnight handsome" against my chest with a soft kiss before I was whisked away into the darkness where my dreams were filled with my Bell.

Bell's point of view.

Nightmares filled with screams echoed in my head shaking my body into the endless oblivion. I tried to hold onto my sanity but I slowly felt it fading into nothing, warmth secured me from somewhere outside of this darkness. The sun was gone. Calling out my voice landed on deaf ears. Could Richards be alive I mused, I swear that is who I saw unless it was someone who looked like him. Though there were some differences in the guy's appearance but I swear it was him, though was it? He was dead they said so. He had died from a self-inflicted bullet wound to his head killing him instantly. So it couldn't be Richard I saw, must be someone who knew him and is helping me. Endless thoughts and questions swam through my head and caused my head to ache.
Slowly the darkness faded and light began to appear from somewhere around me, bringing me back to life and whole once again. With a startled gasp I woke up with a loud scream, tears streaming down my face. A noise from my left caught my attention and I saw Ryder standing there, with arms opened wide I begged him to come to me. He looked scared to make move, his steps were slow and cautious. Kneeling beside me he just sat there. I remember giving him a hug and noticing he was wet and that a towel hung from his hips. I begged him not to leave me and I knew he didn't because as I zoned back into the darkness I felt his arms wrap back around me. His breathing smoothed out and he dozed off beside me, rolling over I laid my head on his chest and kissed him softly as I whispered "goodnight handsome".

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