
Two hours later, Jennie's room was spotless, the theater room ready with popcorns and other snacks for after dinner. The smell of her mother's cooking wafted through their bigger-than-average house and the brunette took a deep breath, inhaling to smell it and to calm her nerves at the same time. Why the fuck am I so nervous, she annoyingly wiped her sweaty palms on her shorts. It's just Lisa.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang and Jennie sprang forward to open the door.

Maybe that's why I'm so nervous.

Lisa stood there in all her gorgeous glory. Her brown waves were pulled back in a half-bun, little wisps framing her shy smile. She had changed into denim shorts, showing off her long, lean legs. She wore a tight black halter top with a simple grey cardigan to make it more formal. A backpack was slung over a shoulder, pulling back the cardigan and exposing tan skin and a collarbone. She definitely lost weight.

"Hey, you're not letting me in," her teasing voice cut Jennie's admiration short. "Was the sleepover supposed to be out here?"

Jennie smiled, rolling her eyes. "Very funny. Come on in."

She stepped back to allow her in and she inhaled her scent. Cinnamon and wood. Sexy.

"Lisa?" Her mother's shocked voice materialized as she offered to help with her bag, placing it at the base of the stairway. "Oh my god, look at you!"

Jennie secretly agreed with her mom.

Lisa blushed. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Definitely a bad thing," the older version of Jennie winked. "You'll steal all the boys from my daughter if you show that beautiful face more."

Lisa was flustered. "O-oh um, I don't -"

"Dinner is ready!" Jennie cut in. She really didn't like where this was going. "Let's talk some more in the kitchen. I'm starving!"

Her friend breathed a sigh of relief and followed the mother and daughter into the kitchen.

After about 20 minutes of talking and cooking, Jennie's father came home. "Hey, where are my beautiful girls?" a voice boomed from the lobby, followed by the gentle click of a door closing. Soon, a tall figure occupied the dining area.

"It smells good in here. I swear someone's trying to fatten me up." The voice laughed.

Daemon Kim, CEO of Kim Inc., the largest electronic distributing company in China and the United States, walked in. His warm, brown eyes surveyed the scene, a large hand reaching up to run through his white wavy hair, his white shirt rolled up at the sleeves. Lisa could see where Jennie got her lips and smile from.

"Hey babe," Mrs. Kim walked over to wrap an arm around her husband's trim waist, kissing him on the lips. She stood at only about 5'3 to her husband's six-foot frame, but that's what made them such cute couple.

"Did you just get barbeque sauce on my shirt?" Mr. Kim turned to find that indeed, where his wife had touched her hand to the small of his back, a dark stain had formed.

"Well," Cateline Kim winked her sparkling blue eyes at her husband. "Guess we'll have to take that shirt off later."

Jennie groaned. "Mama, Papa! Not in here, please?" She ran her hand across her face in disgust, the cucumber she was chopping for the salad forgotten.

Both parents laughed but complied to their daughter's wishes, pulling away.

Cateline waved her hands at her daughter and her friend, who was witnessing the whole thing with an empty ache in her heart.

She Lays Down ★ JENLISAWhere stories live. Discover now