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                                                               (Miku's POV)

A little while after the twins started to "entertain" me, (they were really just fighting over who got to do what) the butler came out from what I presumed to be the kitchen and said that dinner would be ready shortly, then continued to walk in the direction I saw Kaito and the others go when they left to do...whatever the hell they were doing.

                                                       (Gakupo's POV)

"I'm gonna go tell everyone that dinner will be ready soon. Make sure nothing burns, okay Gumi?" I said as I exited the kitchen. When I walked into the front room I saw that Rin and Len were fighting (again) over who got to entertain Miku. So I just decided to ignore them and told the guest that dinner would be ready soon, then went to find the master.

"Hello? Kaito? Where did you guys go?" I said, walking around trying to find everyone.

I finally found everyone in the guest room.

"This room should work. It's spaicious and it has an amazing view of the moon." Said Kaito as he walked around the room.

"Yeah okay, let's let her sleep here. It's very comfy and the moon is a nice touch." Said Meiko.

"Sure, why not?" said Luka.

"Sir, dinner will be ready shortly. And by the way, Rin and Len are fighting again and I think it's starting to bother the guest." I said, worrying that Rin might try and punch Len again.

"I'll be right down." said Kaito as he started towards the door. We all went downstairs to see Rin and Len slap fighting with Miku trying to break up the fight.

                                                      (Miku's POV)

"NO GUYS STOP FIGHTING PLS!" I yelled trying to break them up.


"I thought they were fighting over who got to entertain Miku..." Said Kaito

"I'M NOT REALLY SURE HOW THIS HAPPENED. RIN STAHP PLS!" I said still trying to break them up.

"OH GOD STOP PLEASE" said Len as he got tackled to the floor.

"ADMIT THAT I'M COOLER" said Rin as she sat on Len to keep him on the floor.

"NEVER WILL I EVER ADMIT THAT YOU'RE COOLER" yelled Len as he tried to wiggle free.

"ENOUGH." yelled Kaito as he broke them up, seeming quite pissed.

"Tonight is supposed to be a happy night, not fight night. Now apologise, both of you!" said Kaito

"Sorry..." said the twins in unison (AGAIN)

"Good. Now I think that it's time for dinner." said Kaito


To be continued

Hope you guys like it so far!

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