The start of a happy night~

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                                                                 (Still miku's POV)

"Hello, can i help you?" Said the man.

He seemed to be a butler, so I asked if I could stay the night.

"Please wait here."

He said as he closed the door.

"oh geez I hope he doesn't leave me out's freaking cold"

I thought as I stood outside shivering.

                                                                  (Gakupo's POV)

I closed the door and turned around to see the master behind me.

"Who is it?" He asked as the mistress walked up.

"A villager I think. She asked if she could stay the night. Should I let her in?" I asked.

"Let me see her." said the master as he opened the door.

                                                                    (Miku's POV)

The door opened again and standing in the doorway was a man with cobalt hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Hello, I was informed that you would like to stay the night. Why is that?" he asked looking slightly puzzled.

"W-well you see...I got lost in the woods on my way home, and I would like to stay here so that I can continue home in the morning." I said still shivering.

"The forest is dangerous at night..." Said the blue haired man.

"My, my, all alone out in the woods at night? You should come in and warm up, you seem very cold."

Said a woman with short brown hair.

"Thank you." I said as I walked inside.

The front room was very large and it contained 4 people. A pair of twins playing cards, a girl with long pink hair reading a book, and a green haired maid asking the twins if they needed anything. The people looked over at me and the twins stood up and ran over.

"Welcome to our wonderous mansion!" said the twins in unison.

"H-hello..." I said.

The maid walked over and stood next to the twins.

"Hello, may I serve you tea?" she asked.

"Sure, thank you." I said.

As the maid left to get tea, the twins started to ask questions about me.

"Where are you from?" Said the boy.

"What's your name?" Asked the girl.

"Why are you here?" The twins said in unison.

"I'm from the village down the road, my name is Miku, and I'm here because I got lost on my way home."

I said.

"Are you staying the night?" Asked the boy.

I hesitated, 1. because I wasn't entirely sure if I was staying the night, and 2. because it suddenly occured to me that the twins seemed like...well, dolls.

"I think I might be...that blue haired man never really said yes or no..." I said.

"Blue haired- OHHH, you mean Kaito." said the girl.

"You can stay the night." said Kaito as the pink haired girl stood up.

"Since you're staying, I think that we should have some fun." said the pink haired girl as she walked over.

"We should party party!" said the twins as they started to do the raise the roof dance thingy.

((you know what i mean right?))

"That would be fun but I don't know everyones names." I said.

"I'm Kaito, the master of the house" said the blue haired man.

"I'm Meiko, the mistress of the house" said the brown haired woman.

"I'm Luka, the lady of the house." said the pink haired girl.

"I'm Rin, and this is my brother Len." said the girl.

"I'm Gakupo, the house butler." said the man.

The maid walked in carrying a tray of tea and offered a cup to me.

"Oh, are we doing introductions? Well I'm Gumi, the house maid." said the lady.

I grabbed a cup and took a sip, it tasted delicious so I thanked the maid and took another sip.

"Well now that we're all done with introductions, let's get ready for tonight! Gumi, Gakupo go get the food ready while Meiko, Luka and I try to find a suitable room for Miku, and Rin and Len entertain our guest. Tonight is going to be a happy night!" said Kaito.

And as soon as he finished speaking, everyone ran off to do as their master instructed. As the twins dragged me to a chair and forced me to sit down, I started to wonder what things were going to happen on this so called "happy night".

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