Chapter Twenty Six

Start from the beginning

My eyes glared at Ethan with as much venom and hatred as a human could possibly put into a glare. "Kylie!?" Was all that Ethan said before I went over to him and punched him right in the face. I choked on my tears and ran out of the house and all the way home.

I come back to reality. "That has nothing to do with what we were just talking about kid so get your ass out of here." Jesse spits protectively.

"Like I said no one owns me and can't tell me what to do, so I think that I am gonna hang around here for a while." Ethan fires back causing me to roll my eyes.

Jesse goes to say something but I quickly cut him off. "Jesse don't waste your breath on this prick, he's only trying to get a reaction out of you to make him seem like the victim in this."

Ethan's glare rests on me and I give him one back. "It's okay, Ky, I ain't gonna say one more word to this bastard, he doesn't deserve to be spoken to by me or anyone for that matter."

Jesse takes a seat and Winks steps up to take his go. Ethan doesn't move and it seems to really irritate Marcus, especially when it's my go.

I launch the bowling ball towards the pins with as much force as possible. The pins all go over. A strike!

"Wow, Kylie, your ass is looking fit in those jean shorts when you bowl." Ethan pipes up.

My heart stops and I whip round so fast to face him. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" I get up in his face.

"I was just complimenting your fine ass." Ethan repeats with an even bigger sly grin cast upon his face.

I go to punch him in the face but two strong arms wrap around my waist and immediately swing me away from Ethan. I kick and flail against this guys iron grip as I try to throw a punch at Ethan but it's no use I am no match for the guy who holding me back. I look at the person who is holding me and I realise that it is Marcus and I cool down a bit when I realise that it is my boyfriend. "Alright you, you really need to get you fat ass away from here or things are gonna get real messy." Dele steps forward.

"I am sure it will after I am finished with you Alli." Ethan gets in Dele's face but Dele's six foot two muscular build towers over Ethan and his skinny body causing him to look real pathetic.

"Oh really I am pretty sure that it'll end the other way kid."

"Is that a threat?"

"No it's merely a fact."

"Well let me give you a fact, I wasn't so much of a disappointment that I had to be adopted!" Ethan fires back.

Winks and Eric immediately jump in to hold Dele back as hurt and pure anger floods his face. "How dare you say something like that to my best friend you mother fucker!?" I scream.

"Sorry, but I believe that I was merely stating a fact." Ethan smugly says crossing his arms over his chest clearly satisfied with the reaction that he is getting from everyone here.

Gareth walks over with Jesse standing next to him, both looking as equally furious.

I watch as Ethan's face drops as he realises that his plan of him "being victimised" collapses on itself. "Ethan I have called a taxi, it will take you back to the England basecamp which is where you will be staying until we leave tomorrow, if I find out that you have left the premises at any point of this evening then I will be asking you to leave and find your own way home." Gareth explains his voice remaining calm.

Ethan looks as if he is about to cry. "That's fine by me, I didn't wanna stay with these shitheads anyway."

"Then go and get your ass in that taxi and get out of my sight."

With that Ethan leaves and everyone stops holding me and Dele back. "Gareth, thank you so much." I thank.

"It's fine, it is the least that I could have done, now you kids just enjoy yourselves and forget this little incident. If I am honest, I am actually pretty surprised that we have lasted this long without a fight between you two. Like I said, go and enjoy yourselves and forget about this little incident. It is our last night here enjoy it and celebrate how far we have got in this World Cup."

Gareth leaves us be and Marcus wraps his arms around me from behind and smothers me in kisses. "Are you okay?" Marcus whispers in my ear.

"Yeah fine what about you?" I ask back leaning back into his arms joyfully.

"I'm alright, I should have shut him up sooner. If I had done something then you wouldn't have got so angry and maybe I could have prevented from saying those things towards Dele."

"You did as much as you could, Rashy. If you had hit him then that could have been the end of your career, you have seen it happen to loads of people and I am pretty sure that you don't want that to happen to you. So I am happy that you held me back from beating the shit out of that prick or I am pretty sure that there would be a little bit of blood on the floor or someplace." I reassure.

"Yo, beans it's your go mate." Jesse calls.

Marcus lets go of me and just ike that the night goes back to normal.

Hiya guys,

Finally another chapter. Have been trying to write at every opportunity I could get but I have been so busy with basketball, schoolwork and other things.

Anyway I have updated now and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Will try to update at every chance that I get,

Daisy xx

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