Mystery Babies 2

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Everyone froze, human, half vampires and vampires alike.

"Alice what is it? What do you see" Jasper said, taking hold of her shoulders. Alice blincked pased to the presant.

"Theres a new member in Victoria's army. She's visouse but very powerful." Alice said quickly

"What can she do?" Carlisle asked, arms folded.

"She can enchant or weaken another persons gift and give peoples gifts or improve them." Everyone gasped.

"No no no" I heard Esme say, buring her head in her hands.

"can we beat her?" Emmet asked, no hint of a joke in his face.

"I don't know, she can only do it though skin to skin touch." said Alice, rubbing her temples.

"What does she look like?" Carlisle pressed.

"She looks familia some how. My height, short black hair, large red eyes. I fell like i know her some somewhere but i can't put my fingner on it" Alice said.

"Do you know where she is?" Jasper said,going into mayjor mode.

"She still going under the transformation. So far only 8 newborns are guarding her. She three citys away to the right"

"Can we get to her before she wakes" I asked, they all turned to look at me. "What? If we get her before she wakes then we can use her on our side. Also it lowers the number on their side anyway." I explained.

"Alice?" She then stiff.

"We get there in time but theres going to be a fight. Jasper, Edward, Emmett, Carlise, Angela and Bella shou_"

"No not my Bella. she only half human, she get killed" Edward snarled Ben hissed at Angela's name too. I couldn't help but feel quite offened. I could look after my self.

"Excuse me Edward" I said, climing out the tent. "Can anyone else here produce shields?" I asked,dusting off my clothes. He shook his head.

"I know you worried about my safty and all that.Your going to be there too. I can stop the newborns from even touching you and my self" he didn't move so i carried on. "The others can stay here." I heard Rosalie titter.

"What if its a trap?" Carlie said.

"What do you mean sweetheart?" Esme asked.

"Wellyou lot clear off to get some vampire, leaving us defeceless. We only have Alice's vision but they can chang in a heartbeat." That was a fair point. We couldn't leave them with out a offencive gift.

"Angela do you mind staying?" Carlisle asked, looking at all the gifted people. Angela shook her head.

"I'll keep everyone safe. If we have to move then Ben will stay here and tell you what happened, Sorry Ben" sha said, appolgetly.

"Its alright Ang. Anything for you" He said. slipping an arm around her waist.

"Where do we go?" Jasper said, giving Alice a kiss. Emmett and Carlisle did the same to their wives.

"Go east for 10 minuets then north for another 20. You will pass three citys then in a cottage you find them. Be careful. One of them can dublicate them selves" Alice said. I climed onto Edwards back then we all ran off. I knew i could run almost as fast but i knew on Edward we were faster.

We did as Alice instructed then finally a small old cottage came into view. Before we cam into thirty feet of it there was a flash then 6 newborn vampires were infront of us. I threw mental shields and a physical shield that was a few minimeters away from touching our skin onto eveyone on our side. There were three females and three males out here. All of them a mixure of ages. Behind the cottage wall i could hear a racing heart and the fast panting of a human, evidenlty in pain.

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