Mystery Babies 2

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I would have sworn that the children were raised by wolves, not vampires, by the way they acted. Did all children eat like this or does ours want to eat as much now, before they turn into vampires? I had no idea. After the kids grabbed their food and went into different trees and sat down and ate, keeping an eye out on their food, so no one steals it. The food bag, well there wasn't much of it left, it had been torn. And there wasn't much food left for me, Angela and Ben. I picked up the scraps of the bag then handed out the rest of the food to Angela to split, Ben would have taken more of it, knowing him.

"kids this is the third food bag we've gone though this week. Can't you please be a bit gental. We have to consirve our money." i tuttered, and dumped the bag into a pile, adding wood.  We had to burn all the clothes, or at least give them to chartys, when the kids grew out of them. They kept their favorite toys, from when they were llittle too. Edward had said thay they wanted to keep some of their child(Or baby)hood with them, If we settled down (and survived the fight with the Volturi and Victoria's army) then they would have like to have something to put in a box as a memory.

"Can't. Eating" Henry said, stuffing his food in his mouth. Emmett laughed but got whacked again on the back of his head.

"Pig" William muttered quietly, eating at a slowler pase and more eligantly than Henry. Angela handed me some food then sat down on a chunk of earth that shot out of the ground. I sat down next to her and dug into the food. Henry didin't notice the comment, but Nathan did and laught but almost choked on his food.

 After we ate we burnt the rubbish and buried the ash.

"What we're doing now?" Renesmee asked. We all looked at Carlisle.

"Well for starters we a new bag, food and a change of clothes" I looked down at my worn faded black jeans. Alice had hated reusing our old clothes but after 2 years she cracked and stayed with it. We all each had a few pairs of shirts, trouser, lots of underwear, and two pairs of shoes, not including the ones on our feet so that was three. Of course now, Since the kids were older, they carryed some of the stuff. Carlisle carried the money (Of course we all had a hundred dollars in our wallets), Emmett had carried the food, Rosalie and Esme carried the clothes, Alice carried the make up (Obvioulsy), the rest of us (Mainly the guys) carred the tents and things. Of course, thanks to Angela we didn't really need the lighters and things but we carry them around if she's not around. 

 "Yeah we all do" Carilsle said, looking at the hems of his trousers, that had frad and ripped slightly, not to mention grubby.

"So who's gong to stay with the stuff, we all can't go with these bags on our backs." Jasper pointed out. Good point, but we all needed clothes.

"Why don't we do a shift. The boys stay and look after the things while the girls go shopping first then we switch" I suggested. 

"Sounds fair" Carlisle mused. "But first we need to find a shopping hall or something" 

"Theres one half a mile away, north. It should take a few minuets at vampire speed" Alice concluded. But the children couldn't run at vampire speed, if we did we had to carry them. Suddenly i had an idea, i could even imagin a light bulb lighting up over my head.

"Children stand together" They did, confused. Carefully under their feet, i slipped a solid sheild under and lifted them up off the ground. Some of them swore, (And got told off) but they stayed on their feet.

"Oh well done, how come i didn't think of that" Edward said smiling. I smiled and added a box around them so they wouldn't fall off the shield.

"Come on " I turned and followed Alice, who had been jumping about excitedly and Jasper who was trying to calm her. Then we all set off, full speed. Of course us half vampires were the slowest and lagged behind. 

We ran for 5 minuets till we came to a stop. The men dumped the bags down in one pile and sat down next to them.  i put the kids down, and they hugged the ground.

"I've never missed walking so much" henry said, flat on his stomach.

"I'll take a vampires back next time" Carlie groned, resting her head in her hands. I rolled my eyes

 "We're here now" I said,pulling out my wallet. Carlisle routed though his bag and pulled out a wad od money, i slipped that into my wallet and into my pocket. Adding a repelling sheild around it so no one tryed to steal it. 

"Thank god" Renesme muttered and started to walk away. Us girls then followed then finally a shopping mall came into view. "Hallelujah" She sang then started to run, arms open wide. I glanced at Alice for a moement then started to run after her, laughing.

"I never though i would miss buildings like this" Carlie said, gazing at the mall with big adoring eye.

 "I know exactly what you mean" Alicce said.

"Come on, last one in had to pay" I shouted and stormed into the building.

Mystery Babies (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon