Chapter 25- Sharing is Caring

Start from the beginning

"Look at that. She's eavesdropping now. That's mature." Star said in annoyance before turning back around, facing away from her mother.

"Star, I know that you are a bit crossed with me but....please. Can I explain myself?" Moon asked. Star turned her head slightly to look at Moon again. She motioned her hand towards a chair sitting next to the sofa, looking down at the ground. Star and Marco watched as Moon made her way to the chair. Moon sat down slowly, taking a breath.

"I understand that you think that what I did was for control and power." Moon started.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do. Why wouldn't I? That's how you've always been. You've been like that with me for years; wanting me to be 'composed' and 'proper' like a 'true queen'. It's a fair assumption." Star spoke. Moon looked down in sadness. Hearing her daughter say that all she sees in her is selfishness and greed is nothing to be proud of. Marco decided to stay silent and let them talk it out.

"I know I should've informed you about it because you were just as much as involved as everyone else but...I couldn't risk your safety. I wasn't even considering my own needs when I gave the magic to Mina." Moon told Star. Star lifted her head up to look at her mother. "That day when...when Toffee almost ended your life...I came to a realization. I wasn't protecting my family as much as I should have. I've already lost my mother to Toffee. I wasn't prepared to lose anyone else, whether it be your father or you. I had to do something, even if it meant something I wasn't too fond of doing, like forcing Eclipsa to step down or giving Mina the power of the magic."

Star was speechless. She didn't expect to hear something like this from her mom out of all people. Her mom has always been so strict and firm with her and how to conduct herself as a princess of Mewni. Star never took the time to think that her mother was not doing it for her own needs, but for the protection and love of her daughter. She felt awful, mistaking her mother's motives as selfish acts instead of actions of love of care. Star couldn't have been more wrong.

Marco was right. She wasn't able to see past what her mother did to actually see why her mother did it. Star held such a grudge over all of this that she wasn't forgiving at all. It was almost like how the mewmans were with Eclipsa; knowing she abandoned the throne because she was in love with a monster, knowing that it was all out of good intentions. Star felt ashamed and incredibly guilty.

"If you don't want to give me any of the magic, I'll accept that. Just know that everything I tried to do...and everything I did wasn't for myself or my own desires. It was for my family." Moon gently placed her hand on her knee. "It was for you."

Star's emotions took hold. She was blind to the truth and it took Star this long to realize it. She got up, grabbing her mother in a hug.

"I'm sorry, Mom." Star said.

"No, Star. I'm sorry for not telling you about it before I did it. We both made mistakes." Moon told her.

"And we're both forgiven?" Star asked.

"Of course." Moon replied. Marco watched as Star and her mom had another mother-daughter moment.

"Awwww." Marco spoke without realizing it. Star and Moon looked at Marco with raised eyebrows. Marco froze, clearing his throat as he pulled the collar of his shirt nervously. "Sorry." Star let go a minute after.

"Oh, by the way, I know that you did what you did to help but...just promise me that you'll let me know if you plan on giving your magic to an evildoer bent on taking over our home, okay? Actually, tell me anything that you plan to do with the magic other know...harmless little spells?"

"You've got yourself a deal." Moon told her. "Oh, sweetie. If I ever hurt you or scared you, understand I didn't mean anything by it. I'm only doing what is best for my mother taught me." She told her daughter. Star smiled.

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