We both get back into the car and head down to the shopping area near her house where most of the restaurants are. Waffle House is packed out of the ass, which isn't a surprise since it's Saturday. We walked inside to get a table anyway. The lady at the counter seems super stressed. I know how it feels to be overwhelmed by too many customers just standing around waiting.

They got us seated as quickly as they could. We're lucky enough to get the corner table away from everyone. Our waitress comes over and takes our drink orders after a few minutes. I'll get coffee at work later so I decided to just get water for now.

"Oh my God, he won't stop texting me." Maddy whines and slaps her phone onto the table.

Thankfully the amount of people packed into this tiny building drowned out the sound of it. I play dumb asking "Who?" even though I already know the answer.

"Justin! He's so clingy. That's why I kept my distance for a while."

"Sleeping with him at a sleazy college party is keeping your distance?"

She didn't like my response as she glared up at me with her face still tilted down towards her phone. She won't answer me and keeps reading through the texts.

"We were talking for a while and I refused to see him."

I nod and run my hand through my hair. It's gotten much longer than I had planned. Maybe soon would be a good time to chop half of it off like I usually do in the summer.

"Wow, you're strong." I sneer. "How could you refuse to see that hunky piece of-"

Our waitress sets our drinks down before I could finish my snide comment. Maddy is staring at me with zero expression. She's really not amused with my humor today. Tough crowd.

"Are you girls ready to order?" Melanie, her name being poorly written on her name tag, asks as she draws her notepad out from her apron.

"Hell yes! Peanut butter waffle with two sides of hashbrowns and some bacon." Maddy answers with a goofy smile.

Her post party appetite is monstrous. I don't know how she does it.

"I'll just take a chocolate chip waffle and a side of bacon."

Maddy gives me a thumbs down as the waitress walks off. I take the ball of wrapped up straw paper from the table and chuck it at her. She laughs and throws it back. I can't believe we've known each other for so long. It's not everyday you get to graduate college and buy an apartment with your best friend of ten years.

"So I saw this really nice sofa at the Goodwill down the street for our living room. Just in case you want to take a look at it. It was like ninety dollars. Pretty good price for a couch."

I take a sip of my water and shrug it off. Ninety is cheap but I'm trying to think about how much time we are going to actually spend on a couch. We both lay in our beds most of the time so if we can use that money for something we need more right off the bat, I'd prefer doing that.

"Or we could save the money and not worry about furniture yet? We have our beds."

She huffs under her breath and twirls her straw around the cup.

"Fine." she sighs.

Breakfast flies by and I'm on my way back home by noon like I had promised. When I walk inside, mom is vacuuming up the living room. It looks way more organized than usual, which is immediately suspicious. Mom looks at me and shuts the vacuum off as I shut the door.

"Hey! I took your apron out of the dryer. It's laying on your bed. How was the party?" She asks.

Not only does my mother have way more energy than normal, she's dressed in her favorite pair of jeans she got from some high end boutique at the mall with her floral blouse. No way. This woman is trying to impress someone!

"Did something happen last night that I don't know about?"

Her smile fades as she straightens her back and licks over her teeth. She's even wearing lipstick that matches her nails. "No, why would you say that?"

What is up with everyone recently and not telling me their personal details? I usually can't escape them but now I'm getting nothing. Feeling out of the loop sucks.

"You're dressed up. You're also cleaning. It's just not like you."

"Breanna, you know Saturday's are my cleaning days. I'm not even dressed up that much, but I am going out after you leave for work."

Going out? Where could she possibly be going? She hasn't gone out in what feels like years.

"You wouldn't happen to be going out with a...man, are you?"

Her cheeks blush and I get my answer without a single word. 


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