Chapter 1

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Name: Alfred F. Jones
Strengths: Super strength, good aim, guns
Weaknesses: Family getting hurt
Status: Alive

No one's POV:

      "So dudes, about using global warming to enslave all of humanity," America started as usual causing everyone to groan.
      Why did he always have to do this? Always have to act like such an idiot? Either way, England wasn't going to let him get very far. He stood up to shout at the American, when suddenly the meeting room doors flew open, banging into the wall.
      "Ve! I'm so a-sorry!" Italy squealed as he tried to catch the other door.
      "Stupid idiota!" Romano snapped as he stormed past Italy, who was still blubbering on about why they were late. "I'm a-sorry for my stupid brother! He a-wanted some pasta before a-we got here!"
      He gave his brother another glare, as if that would make the Italian shut up and sit down.
      Finally, the two brothers were seated, after being scolded by Germany for how late they were. The meeting then proceeded as normal. That is, until the meeting room doors slammed open again, this time causing several nations to jump in surprise.
      "Now vhat is it?!" Germany snapped, whirling toward the door, ready to yell at who ever it was.
      "O-oh! I'm so sorry Germany-San!" Japan squeaked, bowing deeply. "I didn't know the doors opened so easiry. I thought they wourd be heavier...rike at Itary-Kun's place."
      Germany just sighed and rubbed the sides of his head, trying to stay calm. He told Japan to sit down, who in turn bowed again, deeply apologizing, before taking his seat. The German nation then turned to everyone and motioned for America to continue.
      Just as he was about to talk again, the lights went out, leaving them in total darkness.
      "Germany!" Italy shrieked, latching himself unto the German, who in turn sighed. "It's so a-dark in a-here! And scary!"
      "I know Italy. Ve vill fix it, but for now can jou get off of me!?" Germany snapped, his irritation growing.
      The Italian quickly let go, which honestly surprised Germany. Normally he would have to yell at him quite a few times to get him off. Either that or pry him off.
      "Dudes! I think the power is out! The light switch isn't working!" America's voice suddenly cut in.
      "Really? I hadn't noticed!" England sarcastically replied. "Of course it isn't working America!"
      "Come on dude, no need to be all snappy!" America responded, which in turn led to the two fighting.
      This of course soon led to everyone fighting. What they didn't notice though, was three people quickly sneaking out. If they had, they would've seen two people with curls and someone who was way shorter then them.

A/N: So here is the first chapter! I hope you all like it! I'm sorry this one was so short. The next chapter will be longer, hopefully! I hope you all have a nice day! Bye!

Word Count:487

Pages: 1.6

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