He stepped back out seeing Agent Walker still talking to the Rogers and tapped his communicator.

"Aiden, you there?"

"I'm here," he replied. "What have you got?"

"Well found Kieran except he's dead."

"He's what?!"

"Yeah, all that is left of him is black ash but I found his communicator. The battery is dead though. Only a disruptor gun could do this kind of damage. This was the work of an assassin. Whatever information he had was worth covering up."

"So did you find anything?" Agent Walker asked, walking up from behind him.

Martin quickly shut down his communicator turning his head back to the agent.

"I had noticed one of the rooms was open and looked inside."

Martin just stared at her as she sensed that he was possibly holding something back.

"If we are going to work together you are going to have to tell me everything," she said. "What did you see?"

"All you need to know is that he's dead," he answered.

"Dead? So there must be a body?"

She started to walk past him but he blocked her path.

"You don't want to go in there, believe me."

"What?" Agent Walker said, looking annoyed. "You aren't going to stop me."

She pushed past him where reluctantly Martin relented letting her pass to look around the room.

"But I don't see anything," she said, turning her head back to Martin. "Where is he?"

She followed Martin's eyes to the carpet seeing the pile of ash on the carpet.

"That's what left of him."

Agent Walker looked down in astonishment. "What kind of weapon could do that?"

"We call it a disruptor. It was set at it's highest setting."

She gave him a matter of fact stern looking at. "I need to know if there is any real threats to our safety."

"We want the same thing," Martin said seriously. "We didn't come all the way to Earth to bring trouble."

"I have to report this to the chief," she said.

Martin and Agent Walker both climbed back in heading out making the drive returning to Area 51.


Aiden sat in his quarters looking through a file entry on intergalactic assassins. He could hear someone come in taking a sideways glance seeing Anna walk over to his desk. She rested her hands on his shoulders giving him a rub.

"Thank you for that," he said, placing his hand on top of hers.

"I'm just glad that you are safe," she said. "Christopher told me what happened."

"Kieran was silenced by a professional."

"You think whomever hired him was a follower?"

He turned in his chair leaning back looking up at Anna.

"Yes, it's the only explanation I have even though we put away all of their leaders there could still be dissidents. I was still a young member when I was appointed to the High Council."

"Now because of your involvement you are being targeted?"

"Looks that way," he said, nodding.


The assassin, back aboard his ship, sat at his console tapping a button.

"Give me full biography of Adien Turner," he announced.

"Accessing," a digital soft female voice replied, showing a 3-D hold image of Adien's face. "Aiden Turner, rank Captain. Member of the Terran High Council for fifteen years. Wife Anna. Current assignment. Reconnaissance exploratory mission of Earth for future colonization. End of record."

The assassin had heard some talk that Terra was becoming unenvironmentally friendly and that supposedly the whole race were actually originally from Earth. He completed half the job by getting rid of the Terran sympathizer but now still had to find his way to go after the real target.

Thanks to everyone who has been reading the story so far. Always interested in hearing anyone's thoughts or comments and give it a like if you are enjoying it.

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