Chapter 3

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On a private airstrip a few miles away from Area 51 Frank Anderson's plane landed finding a jeep with an army official standing by.

"Thank you for coming as quickly as you could, Mr. Anderson," the private said, shaking his hand.

"How long ago did the scanners pick it up?"

"About thirty to forty minutes ago."

The jeep sped up quickly passing through the outer gate being automatically waved through to the main building. The private escorted him through two check points to a bank of elevators being guarded by two soldiers with guns in their holsters at their sides.

From the main level the elevator went down to a sub basement that opened up to black polished floors where Frank was walked down the hall to the main computer room.

He looked up at the different monitors being greeted by the General. Frank extended his hand shaking the General's.

"So what do you make of all this?"

"General," one of the technicians said. " we've been able to scan the outside of the ship."

"What did you find?"

"It is made of no known metal to exist on Earth at all."

" For a moment I thought it was something created by the Russians or the Chinese. "

"No, the size and shape of it gives it away," Frank said. " This is definitely not of this world."

It was exciting but daunting for Frank now discovering that they weren't the only intelligent life in the universe. He wondered of all the worlds they could of visited why did they choose Earth.

"It's landing inside of Arizona in the Mojave Desert," the technician said.

"We need a troop of soldiers out there now," General Roberts said. "Raise the alarm."

The alarm sounded signaling the looks of a whole battalion of soldiers with jeeps and guns at the ready. General Roberts paraded out as everyone stood at attention.

"Gentlemen, minutes ago our scanners picked up an unidentified flying object in the Mojave Desert," he said. "We can not confirm that they are hostile; however, do not fire without provocation."

From on board the Terran ship the hot Mojave Desert laid out before them interspersed with Joshua trees here and there. Captain Turner could see the similarities in the terrain between Terra and Earth.

Martin could pick up the various radio signals focusing on the military bandwidth.

"They seem us," he said.

"We knew that was going to happen," the Captain said. "Rest easy."

"You do realize this might not be a warm welcome?"

"I know, but keep in mind they've never met any real aliens before. All they know is from their media where aliens come to Earth to invade and destroy the planet."

Martin checked his screen looking at the atmospheric conditions.

"Regular oxygen atmosphere. Temperature is around 85 degrees. Dry and arid climate."

Outside a hangar where the army troop assembled Frank hopped into the front seat of one of the vehicles.

"Frank?" the General said, looking apprehensive.

"I am going with," he said. "Don't care about your protocols. This is definitely the first contact we've had."

"Alright, you will be our spokesperson. Make sure this doesn't escalate into something more."

"Of course, General."

The Terran ship made an easy set down as the landing gears were put into place. Captain Turner and his crew walked down the landing ramp already seeing in the distance the cloud of dust from the army vehicles approaching. They were surrounded seeing soldiers jumping out holding up their guns at the ready.

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