Melody stopped just before the closed door of her class, Allison stopping as well seeing as their arms were linked. "oh my god, i did not  forget a pen on the first day of school, did i?" Allison laughed as Melody started patting herself down, trying to desperately find a pen.

"shut up. I bet you don't have one either" It was Melody's turn to laugh as Allison raided her bag for a pen, ultimately neither of them finding the tool needed to write with.


Shrugging, both girls walked into the class, Melody being pleasantly surprised to see Kelly smirking at her. Mr Curtis turned to the two new students that interrupted his lesson, a seemingly annoyed look on his face. "you must be, Miss Allison Argent and Miss Melody Hale."

Melody looked to Kelly in confusion, why was she going as a Hale? who had the last name Hale? did Deaton change her last name? She knew Meghan was taking the Deaton last name with Kelly, although Melody wasn't told what her new last name was going to be.

Melody was abruptly taken out of her thoughts when Mr Curtis spoke again. "Allison, you can sit behind Kelly.  Melody, behind Scott." Following their teachers instructions both girls quickly sat down in their assigned seats.

Melody looked up from her note book when the boy that sat in front of her, Scott, turned holding a pen out for her. "Thanks, I'm Melody, Melody Hale. I feel like if you're gonna give me your pen you should at least know my name." Melody smiled sheepishly as she took the pen, their hands touching lightly.

Scott smiled at her as she rambled, finding it adorable, he tried to not show how much just her presence affected him, though unfortunately when he went to introduce himself, his words came out three octaves higher than normal.  "I'm Scott McCall."

His high voice shocked Melody, but she knew it was because he was nervous, the smell coming off of him in waves, along with the scent of werewolf, but she ignored that.

Melody quickly tried to make him feel less embarrassed by smiling softly, before whispering "you're cute. Like a puppy! I love puppies. Their so adorable and tiny, and when they run around-" realizing that she was rambling again she finished her little speech with a quick "i'm rambling again, ill shut up now."

Melody quickly looked back to her notebook not making eye contact with Scott. He stared at her adoringly before turning back to the front when a hard kick was sent to his leg by his best friend, Stiles, who mouthed 'stop being creepy' while using his eyes to motion to Melody who was now having a silent conversation with Kelly.

Kelly, who had given a spare pen to Allison when she sat down after also hearing the conversation that happened outside the door, stared knowingly at her best friend who looked wide eyed at the mischievous look in her eye. Kelly, who was already planning their wedding just winked at Melody before turning to the front.

The teens listened in as their teacher continued his scheduled lesson, "we'll begin with Kafta's metamorphosis on page one-thirty-three."

After class ends, the students file out and go to their lockers. Kelly ran off after telling Melody she was going to find their youngest friend, Meghan, leaving the blonde with her new friend.

Scott's locker is across the hallway and several meters down from Melody's, and when Scott catches her eye, she smiles at him, before turning back to Allison, who had her locker a few down from hers.

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