"What?" I finally asked.

His mouth tilted up in that slight smile I loved. "Perhaps you should avoid layering clothes in such hot weather," he teased, taking me to the desk. "It makes you faint."

I rolled my eyes as he signed us out, then took me outside. I squeezed my eyes shut against the bright sunshine, then turned to him when he nudged me. He'd pulled on shades against the sun and he was holding a pair out to me. I took them and he led me to a white Porsche. He opened the door for me and I clambered inside, wondering where he got it. In a second he was sitting next to me, bringing the car to life. "Very human," I mused.

"Most people have been trained to mind their own business," he shot back.

I giggled. "What were you and Kyle talking about last night, anyway? When you were whispering?"

He shrugged, eyes on the road as he drove one handed. "The possibility that I have finally lost my mind."

"Because you brought me along?"

"He is convinced that neither of us is safe when we're together."

"Is he right?"

"Perhaps, but it matters not." He smiled breathtakingly. "You must be aware by now that I'm hopeless where you're concerned." He laughed recklessly. "I hear that this is undeniably the most ridiculous, reckless misadventure I have ever been foolish enough to be a party to, so here we are."

I laughed too, clearly infected by his brand of madness. He pulled up outside a lovely café. "Breakfast?" he offered, and I nodded eagerly.

We chose a table outside. When our food came, he pulled his sleeves back and tucked in with gusto. I soon noticed that we held the attention of most of the ladies around us and it wasn't hard to figure out why. The sight Warren made couldn't possibly be contained in one glance. Or two. Or even three...

The guy seemed unaware that he was disturbing the peace. "Um, Warren?"

He looked up, clearly drawn from a train of thought. "Yes, love?"

I smiled. "Let your sleeves down. People are staring." Dawn broke over his features, then he laughed soundlessly. I realised that he'd read someone's thoughts. "And don't listen!"

"Pardon me. It is simply fascinating." He looked up, his eyes laughing. "What intrigues me, though, is how they're so quick to dissociate you from me. Some even believe we're related," he added with mock scandal.

"They know you're too much of a catch for me," I said lightly, though I resented the girls who'd thought that. "Besides, it makes you fair game."

He reached across the table and took my hand possessively. He looked intently at our hands as he said, "I have no interest in being fair game." He looked up as he slowly ran his thumb over my hand, sending short thrills of excitement through me. "And, whatever their opinions, I happen to be your 'catch'." I laughed at that, and it made him smile. "Are you sated?"

"Yeah, I'm good."

"Shall we?"

We got into the car and he slowly drove us out of town. "Okay, so do you have a plan?"

"Of course." He threw me a grin. "It will need you to call upon your acting skills."

I was instantly intrigued. "What? What are we doing?"

"Patience, love," he laughed softly. "First, do you need to discuss it?"

I angled my head. "Discuss...what?"

"Last night."

I sat back, staring listlessly out the window. "Not really."

"Belle," he sighed. A second later, I felt his hand in mine. "Love, do not hide a single part of yourself from me. Please."

Content To Be Claimed (Beauty And The Beast #1)Where stories live. Discover now