Part 7

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"Ugh.." Lisa groaned silently. 

She slowly opened her eyes and darkness was all she could see.

Lisa felt the slightly dampened towel on her forehead so she took it and placed it on the nightstand. 

She roamed her hand around just to feel a body beside her. 

She sustained her body with her elbow and saw her boss sleeping on the edge of the bed. 

Jennie's body curled, a hint that she felt cold. Lisa touched her own forehead and felt her fever almost gone. Her body temperature was still warm but that's that.

Lisa recalled the night before where Jennie forced her too eat. She of course didn't have any appetite to eat so Jennie decided to just feed her if that's what it took to make Lisa eat. Feeling cornered and afraid, Lisa obliged. Jennie made her drink her medicine, eat proper food, and diligently placed cold towel on her forehead. 

Lisa felt thankful and thank's to Jennie's sincere gesture, she had fallen deeper for the latter. 

Lisa pulled Jennie closer to her body tenderly, afraid that her boss would wake up. Jennie whimpered and Lisa halted her movement. When it was safe, she pulled her again until there's no gap between her and Jennie's body. It's not that Lisa wanted to sneakily take a chance but she just didn't want Jennie to fall from her bed.

Lisa covered her body with the blanket she used. She then slowly lifted up Jennie's head and rested it on the spare pillow beside her. 

She smiled again. 

She thought Jennie would leave once she was sure Lisa had eaten food, her medicine, and gone to sleep. Lisa tasted her fringe aside to stare at Jennie's beautiful feature.

"Thank you for taking care of me. I love you." Lisa felt it was safe to say that to Jennie, thinking that the latter was in deep slumber. 

Lisa braced herself and lowered her head to place a simple peck on Jennie's forehead. 

"Goodnight." Lisa went back to her position and continued her sleep.

"What was that?" Jennie murmured silently when she was confident that Lisa had gone back to sleep.

"That's must be a dream." Jennie added. 

She looked at her wrist watch to see it's still 3 am in the morning so she decided to sleep some more.


"Good morning, maam" Jennie walked out from Lisa's bedroom and searched for for her patient. 

She saw Lisa in the kitchen, cooking something.

"Ugh.. Morning!" Jennie hadn't gained her consciousness fully. 

She massaged her temple.

"Hahaha.. You look different from the usual you at work." Lisa chuckled seeing Jennie's bed hair which was messy but cute. 

"Shut up!" Jennie pulled out the dining chair and sat on it.

"Are you feeling better?" Jennie asked with her half closed eyes.

"Umm.. Much better. Still feeling dizzy but not as worst as yesterday. Thank you for taking good care of me, Ms Kim." Lisa turned off the stove and took off her apron.

"Don't mention it. Your absence is my division's loss anyway so I need to get you back to work as soon as possible." Jennie stated bitterly yet it couldn't change Lisa's happy mood.

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