Part 1

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"Fuck." Lisa cursed inside her head.

"What's with the frown Lis? You got scolded again?" Seulgi asked her when she saw her workmate sulking after being out from her manager's office room.

"Is my expression not clear enough to convey my mood?" Lisa said sarcastically. 

"What did you do this time?" Seulgi sighed and pulled her chair to get up and approach her friend on her cubicle.

"I don't know. I did what she asked me to and submitted it on time. She got angry because when I have done with my task, I did the work Mr. Jung gave me. She felt I couldn't set my priority because I didn't ask for her permission before deciding to do the task." Lisa said annoyingly. 

She slumped on her seat and breathed sharply, trying to control her emotion which almost blew up. 

"That's all?" Seulgi asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. That's all. End of story." Lisa shrugged and massaged her temple. 

"Be patient, Lis. You know how she could be so moody at times and randomly throws her tantrum at anyone without any exception." 

Seulgi tried to cheer Lisa and stood behind her, giving her a massage on her shoulder. 

"I know, Suel but it's just not fair. It's not my fault at the first place, not to mention that actually, she isn't my real boss! I'm a quality which means that I'm directly under Mr. Jung, not her!" Lisa complained and hissed under her breath.

"But now that Mr. Kwon is out on the field, you are practically under her command, you know." Seulgi stroke Lisa's shoulder for a moment, before moving to her front to sit on the table beside the computer. 

"It doesn't change the fact that Mr. Kwon has full right to order me, not her Seul! I just can't believe that a woman like her exists. She's hot temper, selfish, moody, unstable, bossy, annoying, and I still can make a very long list to define her negative traits." Lisa huffed.

"Chill, Lis. It's not the first time you got scolded anyway so you should have adapted to her unpredictable attitude, right?" Seulgi smiled and ruffled Lisa's hair.

"And it's not the first time I got scolded without knowing the real reason behind her anger toward me. If only I have right to debate her back or at least argue with her, I would have done it." Lisa's anger never left.

So Seulgi could only nod her head to make Lisa at least felt a little bit relief by releasing her protest. 

"Why didn't you do it?" Seulgi asked.

"As if she would give me a chance to do it. You know her well, Seul since you are under her directly. Every time she is angry, she will blame anyone and won't give a chance for that person to defend him/herself. So whether the person is truly guilty or not, we will never know because she is always right or so what she thinks." Lisa answered almost immediately.

"Yah! Lower down your voice." Seulgi warned.

"Relax, she is out to have a meeting with customer along with Mr. Choi." Lisa reassured.

"Oh.. Anyway, I have to agree with you. She never can filter her words so she can only blurt out hurtful words to her employees." Seulgi said and Lisa nodded in approval. 

"Perhaps I really need to seek for another job." Lisa suddenly confessed, making Seulgi startled.

"What!? Are you crazy?" Seulgi shrieked and Lisa immediately got up to cover Seulgi's mouth since her voice had attracted people's attention. 

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