Chapter Forty: Plain Happy

Start from the beginning

"You want me to stop the fights they get in?" I asked, completely confused. Sure, I mean, I got what he was saying. But that didn't mean it made any sense. I couldn't be there at every moment. How would I even know a fight was going on if I was halfway across the school?

"Exactly. We would have a teacher come and get you from wherever you were and bring you to the fight, where you would promptly step in." He explained. My lips parted in shock. I didn't know what to say. 

It sounded like a good idea, but at the same time, it sounded like a very bad idea. 

Getting into the middle of a fight seemed kinda stupid. Especially if it was a fight with one of the jocks who thought pushing little girls around was fun. They would have no problem with hitting me, which would enrage my brothers even further and drag the fight out. Hence, the bad idea.

"I have some concerns." I muttered, my eyes wide. Mr. Lee sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. He seemed like he was running out of options.

"I don't really care. I can't very well kick the richest kids in the world out of school for fighting. I'd be a laughing stock. But I can't keep letting them get away with this. I need some help and you're my only option." Mr. Lee growled. I flinched back. 

Something was a little off about the guy, so I wasn't going to push anymore of his buttons. I didn't feel like being attacked by another grown man. Why were all the weirdos working at schools? Didn't they do testing or something?

"Alright. Just let me know when and I'll be there. Anything to keep them out of trouble." I plastered a fake smile on my face. I got up to leave, praying that he would leave well enough alone and let me leave peacefully. 

"Ms. Steel, that black eye is the reason that your brothers had their little lunchroom threatening session today, right?" He asked, pointing at my eye like I didn't know what he was talking about. I can feel the throbbing, dude, I don't need you to point it out to me! 

"Yeah. Don't know who did it. Some random guy." I mumbled, looking towards the floor. He hummed but let me go with a flippant wave of his hand. Seriously? The guy sentenced me to three weeks of detention, tells me get in the middle of fights, and then dismisses me just like that? 

What a jerk.

"What did he want with you?" Zander asked, his eyes raking over me worriedly. I smiled and waved his worries away. 

"He wanted to ask me about my black eye. He also told me that he wanted me to stop any fights that you five get in." I said with a shrug, gathering up my books from where I had laid them on the floor. There was a small moment of silence before the room erupted with protests. 

"There is no way!" 

"What kind of teacher would ask that?"

"You aren't coming anywhere near those fights!"

"I'm gonna kill him."

"Guys, stop! If you don't get in any fights then I won't have anything to worry about." I made them all stop yelling with my words. They all looked glum, all except Jaydon who was backing me. 

"But if someone says something bad about you-" Kade started. I turned on him with pinched lips and a glare. My hands were on my hips as I scolded him. 

"Then you walk away." I said stubbornly. Kade seemed to deflate, hoping that I would have a different reaction. I guess that I disappointed, but I couldn't seem to care. 

"But what if they're talking about mom or Jaydon?" Ethan asked, hitting my one weak point. Call me stupidly loyal, but I tried to protect the ones I cared about. Lila being tied for number one with all of the boys. I sighed, shaking my head. 

I couldn't believe I was about to say this.

"Then make whatever you do hurt before I get there." I said, making their jaws drop. They were not expecting that answer. They were expecting me to say to not hurt anyone. How I loved shocking them into silence. 

"Come on guys. We need to get out of here before mom gets here." Ethan laughed at Kade's fearful expression. I bit my lip to stifle my laughter. It was always amusing to see a 6' something teenager, who was pretty much made of muscle, be terrified of his tiny mother. 

"Hurry up! I see her limo!" Jaydon cried, rushing from the office. I smiled and winked at Kade from over my shoulder as I ran. He stopped grumbling when Lila stalked into the office, her ears red from anger. 

For some reason, running away from the office, I was plain happy. No matter that my father had beat me the night before and given me a black eye. I was happy with my brothers, running away from our raging mother. 

I smiled.

I hoped this wouldn't come back to bite me in the ass.  

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