"You must be Taehyung, the new student."

He nods and doesn't return the eye contact as she examines his entire... appearance over the top of her glasses. Then she takes his sleeve and pulls him up the steps to the tall wooden chair, pushes the guy on it and places the sorting hat on his head and in that moment I think that he is the only person ever who could pull that extraordinary look off.

The room is completely quiet. The only thing you can hear is the whispering of a Hufflepuff 4th grader, telling her friend how hot the new guy is. All the other students stare up to the hat, hoping to get to know in what house the mysterious guy will be. Several seconds go by and suddenly a scream echoes through the hall.


The Slytherin table cheers, mainly happy but partly confused; not even knowing who just joined their house.

"This is Kim Taehyung, he was transferred here from a school in Korea. Mr. Kim, why don't you go to your house table. I was just telling our new students about the rules you have to follow at this school. In your case, your Prefect will explain them to you after dinner and I will make sure he won't forget the one about being on time."

Then she takes the hat off, his hair even more messy than before, but what bothers me greatly is that he still pulls the look off. Taehyung walks down the steps towards the Slytherin table and sits down, completely unaware of all of my thoughts.

"Let's eat!"

Suddenly, many bowls and plates appear and start filling up with food.

The silence gets replaced with laughter, talking and the horrible screeching sounds silverware makes on plates.

Eliza just starts talking again, but thankfully not to me, but to the two girls sitting on the other side of our table; Lisa and Jennie, our roommates and good friends. I look over the table, in search of something healthy to eat but I remain unsuccessful.

My glance skims past chicken wings, french fries and green beans and while the latter, would be healthy, but it is sadly also basically the only thing I don't like.

Then a small bowl of salad appears near my plate and I start smiling. The house elves must have remembered me and my wishes from last year. I take a couple of french fries and salad on my plate, hoping for the food to be better the next day, which it probably will be.

Everybody always says the meal on the first and the last day is the best but I actually like both of them the least. I cannot understand how you can like chicken wings so much and I spent the last 16 years of my life trying to figure that out, but even my meal-tester of choice- being my twin-brother Jungkook, couldn't tell me and the literal speeches he held about how amazing chicken wings are definitely did not help.

Besides the fact that he loves chicken wings and I don't, Jungkook and I are pretty similar, except for one other aspect.

Back when we were very young, our parents were (of course) extremely proud when I started showing signs of Magic by letting a spoon full of green beans drop over my mother (they weren't even mad because of the mess I made), but they also became more and more disappointed when we grew older and I showed more and more magical abilities and my brother was not even able to lift a feather.

When we were 9 years old I was able to grow a small flower in my hand and that was the point where our parents finally gave up on the hope of my brother becoming a wizard.

From that point on he became more and more distant from the family, until he moved out at the beginning of summer break last year. This only lifted the mood of my parents greatly and was a relief to him and his happiness.

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