#85 Arguing over baby names

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Luke- "NO! Our baby is not being called Ben Tickle-bug Hemmings!" You shouted at Luke.
"Why?! It's cute! It's better than Jason!"
"No! No it's not. Im the one giving birth so I should choose!"
Michael- "We aren't naming our baby Josephine!" Michael said. "We'll name her Lilly."
"You want to name our daughter after a flower? That's cold Michael!"
Ashton- "How about...Tommy?" You asked.
"Why not?"
"Who calls a son Tommy?! Sure it's cute for a baby but when they're 20, no one will like him because he's called Tommy Irwin!"
Calum- "There's no way on this Earth that we will call our child Calum!"
"How about with two l's? Then there's a difference in our names!" Calum said being smart.

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